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Status Replies posted by Ben

  1. Seems it was a bad day for the Lib Dem's and the 'Yes to AV' campaigners.

  2. Seems it was a bad day for the Lib Dem's and the 'Yes to AV' campaigners.

  3. Done my good day for the day but feel like crap.

  4. Great, driving theory test on the 24th of May; another thing to add to the list of things to do.

  5. Great, driving theory test on the 24th of May; another thing to add to the list of things to do.

  6. Great, driving theory test on the 24th of May; another thing to add to the list of things to do.

  7. Feeling very pressured and very panicky at the moment; not a nice feeling in the slightest. Just hoping.

  8. Plans for tomorrow: driving lesson, retinal screening, bowls in afternoon in top division, inter-club bowls tournament to wrap things up.

  9. I'm off on holidays for a week or two. See you all when I get back!

  10. Feeling time creeping up on me now; just five weeks till exams and the pressure is massive.

  11. Submitted my manuscript for the first time! To HarperCollins India!

  12. Drifting stedily back to the forum again; I've mised this place, even after not being away so long.

  13. beware! England rugby fan in bad mood!

  14. Finally got Renegade Reviews up and running, exciting stuff. :)

  15. YES! Got conditional offers for two separate courses at my first-choice university, Lancaster. So, so happy!

  16. About to embark on an ambitious read. Stephen King's The Stand here I come.

  17. About to embark on an ambitious read. Stephen King's The Stand here I come.

  18. Conditional offer from Manchester Met just a day after my interview. Success.

  19. Conditional offer from Manchester Met just a day after my interview. Success.

  20. Conditional offer from Manchester Met just a day after my interview. Success.

  21. Done diddly done. Interview went swimmingly, answered the questions fine. I expect my offer within the week, haha.

  22. Dead nervous for my interview tomorrow.

  23. Dead nervous for my interview tomorrow.

  24. Exams are finished and I'm drained. Wrote six essays, thirteen sides of A4, all in the time period of 3 and a half hours. It's over at last.

  25. Should I re-read a book I adore next, or start on something that I am not sure about? Decisions, decisions!

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