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Status Updates posted by Ben

  1. Glad you enjoyed it, you've seen that I'm going to see 2012 tonight. I'm ashamed. I had a choice between the two with two different sets of people. Of course the people influenced the decision. :lol: I'm great thanks, just apart from being ill this week x.

  2. Ben

    Glad you're okay. I'm always up early anyway, surprisingly since I'm a teenager! Aha. Well I'm sure they'll enjoy the paintballing it's always a laugh. Getting ready to watch the tennis now? ;)

  3. Ben

    Glad you're okay. I'm back at school tomorrow for my first day of 6th form. In some ways I'm excited and looking forward to it, but I'm also feeling a bit nervous as well.

  4. Glastonbury always looks insane. Should've made the effort to go this year.

    1. karen.d


      Same here! I really wish I had gone this year, it looked fab on tv :-(

    2. Ben


      I know.. so good. I can't believe how many bands played that I absolutely love too!

  5. Good morning. Thought I'd pop in and say hello, like Scarlette before me. Hope you're all well and good. :D

  6. Good weekend so far, now a wicked bowls tournament tomorrow.

  7. Goodbye teenage years, oh how you shall be missed.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. poppy


      Happy Birthday Ben, you old man you!! The best years are yet to come :)

    3. Ben


      Thank you everyone for your kind words and comments. :) Poppyshake: I was. :D Poppy: Here's hoping! xD

    4. Kylie


      Happy belated Birthday, Ben!

  8. Got a feeling the end of 2011 and start of 2012 will be a turning point in my life; exciting times ahead for sure.

  9. Got CRAZY snow today. Oh wow.

  10. Great thanks, sorry for the slow reply.. Been a busy day. How's yourself?

  11. Ben

    Great to hear!

  12. Great, driving theory test on the 24th of May; another thing to add to the list of things to do.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ben


      Yeah true, I'll see. :)


    3. Soros


      I passed driving test about 7 months ago, my luck was based on carefully prepared cribs. Probably it's not the best solution, but it works. If you are confident, you will pass without doubts.

    4. Ben


      Yeah well this is only my theory so I'm overreacting haha, I should be okay.

  13. Guess it's time to leave 6th form, don't know why I bother sometimes, I'm clearly not clever enough to do this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ben


      Not at all.

    3. Kylie


      Don't be so hard on yourself Ben. You're definitely clever enough. *hugs*

    4. Ben


      Hmm, maybe.

  14. Guys, guys, grab yourself a cuppa and read my review of my final game of bowls of the season. Did I manage to make it 15/15 and 100%. I know you're all dying to know. :P If not, as you were.

  15. Ha, you caught me. I was popping on during lunch, just to check if I had any pm's. I didn't stay online. And yes, I'm loving Inkheart so far, but not got very fair into it yet. (About half-way). You having/had a good day?

  16. Had an enjoyable weekend thus far.

  17. Had my break in the sunshine, will be ready for the off in a few days now.

  18. Haha yeah, I can imagine how annoyed the people get that don't like Christmas. :lol: And I think you were being sarcastic then, but in a way I kind of do. I think it's because I know I'll get so far behind if I'm off for ages. Thanks for the support though. :friends0:

  19. Haha, definitely not a scrooge then!? :D I'm great thank you, other than being ill all this week, but that can not be helped.

  20. Ben

    Haha, have done. Love hot chocolate, have one everyday on getting home from school. :lol:

  21. Ben

    Haha, I've never been into games consoles, more into my laptop.. or spending the time reading/writing (speaking of that, haven't wrote anything for a while). *thinks* Sorry, went away with the fairies for a minute.. *laughs* I understand Playstation's and Xbox's can get quite addictive.

  22. Ben

    Haha, Michelle had it changed for me. xD Just have to sort out my custom title now.

  23. Ben

    Haha, thanks Inver. :)

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