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Posts posted by rach.at.the.disco

  1. I got Season 1 for Christmas and had to rush out and buy the next season. Now I'm halfway through Season 3 and I love it, even though I normally avoid any medical shows. I think I might secretly have a thing for Hugh Laurie - in addition to Jesse Spencer obviously ;).

  2. My books have to be organised by author, size and preferably the order in which I bought them.


    I have to count the pages so I can work how much I have left to read.


    I cannot read a second hand books - it's just wrong.


    I have to read til the end of a chapter or a page that ends with a full stop before I can put a book down.


    The bookmark cannot be poking out of the top of the book, it just looks odd.

  3. Well I'm in year 11, so my normal subjects, Maths and English. (Don't have an exam in Science.) Then the subjects I picked for GCSE; Religious Education, History, Spanish, and Music. :D


    You're lucky, back in my day (how old do I sound :D) we had to do an exam in Science :lol:.

    Good Luck with your exams and stuff :D.

  4. I can't believe how some people have really bad things to say about twilight,

    either stephenie meyer is a genious with writing, or she has been in enough relationships and admired enough people to get every emotion (fear, love, sadness, rachahah) spot on

    10/10 and I love everysingle last book

    lets keep praying that S.M finishes midnight sun, apparently, Rob Pattinson is the one who leaked it :0


    That would actually be quite funny if it was true :lol:.

    She has to finish it - I couldn't read it properly on the computer, I much prefer a proper book. And I don't think she could dissappoint her fans....

  5. I very rarely take notes, even when I'm reading for uni. Although for my latest assignment I wrote quotes and ideas on a huge piece of paper I stuck on my wall - it's easy for me to see whilst I'm writing it up. I should have started this when I first started :lol:.

    Saying that, if I've been reading a book with various people I make a sort of family tree thing on the inside cover which helps me see how they are related etc - particularly in Jodi Picoult novels.

  6. I also think that there are some parents who don't encourage their children to read - which is a bit sad really. I used to love going to the library on a Saturday morning with my parents and sisters, it allows families to spend some time together and is educational at the same time.


    Me and my cousin were always at the library when we were in our early teens, either with my nana or on our own. It was a lot better than roaming the street causing trouble - and warmer :lol:.

  7. 3. The Undomestic Goddess - Sophie Kinsella

    Synopsis from Waterstones:

    The story of a girl who needs to slow down. To find herself. To fall in love. And to discover what an iron is for...Samantha is a high-powered lawyer in London. She works all hours, has no home life, and cares only about getting a partnership. She thrives on the pressure and adrenalin. Until one day...she makes a mistake. A mistake so huge, it'll wreck her career. She walks right out of the office, gets on the first train she sees, and finds herself in the middle of nowhere. Asking for directions at a big, beautiful house, she is mistaken for the interviewee housekeeper and finds herself being offered the job. They have no idea they've hired a Cambridge-educated lawyer with an IQ of 158 - Samantha has no idea how to work the oven. Disaster ensues. It's chaos as Samantha battles with the washing machine...the ironing board...and attempts to cook a cordon bleu dinner. But gradually, she falls in love with her new life in a wholly unexpected way. Will her employers ever discover the truth? Will Samantha's old life ever catch up with her? And if it does...will she want it back?


    Started: Sometime in 2008

    Resumed: 9th January

    Finished: 10th January

    416 pages

    Rating: 6/10

  8. 2. The Reader - Bernhard Schlink

    Synopsis from Waterstones:

    For 15-year-old Michael Berg, a chance meeting with an older woman leads to far more than he ever imagined. The woman in question is Hanna, and before long they embark on a passionate, clandestine love affair which leaves Michael both euphoric and confused. For Hanna is not all she seems. Years later, as a law student observing a trial in Germany, Michael is shocked to realize that the person in the dock is Hanna. The woman he had loved is a criminal. Much about her behaviour during the trial does not make sense. But then suddenly, and terribly, it does - Hanna is not only obliged to answer for a horrible crime, she is also desperately concealing an even deeper secret.


    Started: 7th January

    Finished: 8th January

    216 pages

    Rating: 8/10

  9. I agree, I hate all of those kind of abuse adverts, I understand why they need to be shown, but every advert break for hours at a time is a bit unfair to the watcher


    I agree - those adverts really get to me. I have to mute the television because just hearing it is awful. And the compensation adverts get my blood boiling too - there's so many of them.


    As for adverts I like - the KFC ones from a couple of years ago where they sang were great. The one with the dad mocking the son's hair is great - i even youtube-d it :roll:.

  10. 1. The Picture Of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde.

    Synopsis from Waterstones:

    Enthralled by his own exquisite portrait, Dorian Gray exchanges his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Influenced by his friend Lord Henry Wotton, he is drawn into a corrupt double life; indulging his desires in secret while remaining a gentleman in the eyes of polite society. Only his portrait bears the traces of his decadence.


    Started: December 2008

    Finished: 4th January 2009

    256 pages

    Rating: 5/10

  11. As much as trashy celebs annoy me, I always buy trashy celeb magazines.

    Seeing as I live of student loan I tend to go for the cheaper magazines like New and Star :roll: - it's a bonus I like them. Most weeks I buy Heat and my mum buys Closer and has recently started buying Best but I'm not too keen.

  12. Can't say I'm a huge fan of Shakespeare, I find it a bit hard to read. Although I'm currently doing a "Women In Shakespeare" module at uni :roll:.


    At high school we studied;


    Romeo and Juliet (although I don't think we read it)


    At uni we've studied;

    King Lear


    The Taming Of The Shrew (the only one I read all the way through)

    Twelfth Night


    Antony and Cleopatra (we're doing that next week but I haven't read it - yet)


    I hope to try and read Romeo and Juliet at somepoint in the future.

  13. Uni takes up most of my time but my main hobby is reading. Followed by DVD's and surfing the 'net. I also like to do the odd arroword and sudoku - I'm not really an active person although I should get off my bum and do an exercise dvd once in a while :D which I may start soon.

    Lately I've been thinking about photography and writing but we'll see how that goes...:D.

  14. I love House - I've only just got into it though. I've watched the odd episode on Hallmark and found it quite interesting considering I don't really go for medical shows. I got Season One boxset for Christmas and have finished it already. Need to go and buy Season Two now :lol:.


    And Jesse Spencer is a bit of a cutie :).

  15. Thanks Angel :lol:. Most of my Jodi Picoult's have been on my shelf for a while now so I hope to read a couple at least soon - she's one of my favourite authors.


    As for Thomas Hardy I bought Tess... because it was on a uni reading list then my tutor changed her mind and we did The Mayor... instead :motz:but I shall try my hardest to read it seeing as it is so highly recomended :).


    I'm not sure though if the Philippa Gregory's will live up to The Other Boleyn Girl but I'll give it a go anyway.

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