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Everything posted by ValenCina

  1. I suggest a further passage: right after you've added rice, pour some wine and don't add stock until it has completely dried. White wine is good in most cases - with vegetables, mushrooms or cheese - but red is ideal when you use sausages or other kinds of red meat. And if you feel adventurous, try risotto with strawberries or oranges and some light cheese. Not very traditional but still yummy!
  2. 1. The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger 2. Waiting for the Barbarians - Coetzee 3. The Tartar Steppe - Dino Buzzati 4. Tomorrow in the Battle Think of Me - Javier Marias 5. Anything bu Alessandro Baricco
  3. Sorry, founded. PS: please be patient, English is not my mother language
  4. I have been participating in a reading group for the last 3 years. We meet once a month in a member's home, and one of us presents a book he has read and that the others don't necessarily know. The main point we always focus on is "Why is this book considered literature?". What I love about this kind of organization is that people who have never read the book allow you find out a lot of things you have never thought about while reading the book. You consider it from some brand new perspectives and might find out that it has man more layers of meaning than what you thought before presenting it to the club - well, this happens if it's good literature of course . We have recently found a new one, with female participants only, where we have made the rules a bit more flexible. Sometimes we choose one book we all read, other times one reads the book while others watch a related movie, or we even choose one author and each one of us chooses one of his/her book to read. I haven't experimented this last solution yet, I'll tell you at the end of this month
  5. So do I. Using the dictionary every time takes away the pleasure of reading.
  6. I hate translation mistakes! Well, I study translation myself and I know translations are debatable and perfect literary equivalence, but still I can't stand it when the translator seems to be too lazy to find a good equivalent of an expression in the target language and just translates it literally. It just sounds kind of off-key and ruins the rhythm of the narration.
  7. Glad to see I'm not the only one who didn't like this book. I have read it a while ago because it seemed to be one of the best modern classics ever, but I was really disappointed. All I remember thinking is "Why should I ever be interested in this spoiled brat's antics??" LOL
  8. ValenCina


    Hello everyone, my name is Valentina, I'm 24 and I am from Torino, Italy. I study foreign languages at university - English and Chinese (that's where the nickname comes from! ). My favourite books are classics and my favourite authors are Italo Calvino, Vladimir Nabokov and Mo Yan. I have been a member of a book club with my friends for a 3 years now. We are loving it so much that we have founded two other parallel book clubs: one for women only and one for young people (under 30). We all come from very different backgrounds and I love how this allows me to consider new perspectives on the books we read and discuss. I'm reading Fictions by Borges at the moment, for my women's book club. I am looking forward to chatting with you! I'm open to recommendations and I would especially like to know if you enjoy reading any Italian author! Chat soon, ValenCina
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