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Posts posted by roddglenn

  1. As someone who utterly loves the book - the simplicity of it and also at the time an utterly unique take on the vampire genre, I found the new version of the film to be lacking a little. I was disappointed that they changed so much of the story, but having said that I thought Will Smith was excellent as Robert Neville - his desperately lonely portrayal of a man slipping towards madness was a career best I think.


    As well as The Omega Man, the first adaption of the book was Vincent Price's The Last Man on Earth - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058700/. For me, that remains the most faithful adaption. As has already been said, Heston's Omega Man was a little laughable and again very different from the book. Will Smith's was more a remake of Omega Man than a faithful adaption of the book.

  2. ;) Rod!


    I'm a fan of Hunter S Thompson too. I've been trying to track down Hell's Angels in bookstores but haven't been having much luck. :(


    I also love HG Wells and have only recently started reading Richard Matheson, Terry Pratchett and Stephen King. And I have a lovely big volume of The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe to get stuck into. Looking forward to discussing them all with you!


    Fantastic! We'll have loads to talk about! I've yet to get hold of a copy of Hells Angels too unfortunately. If I do find one I will happily lend it to you too.


    Thanks everyone for the extremely friendly welcome!

  3. Hi, peeps. I've just found this forum and it looks like a lovely community so I joined right up!


    I love horror, sci-fi, thrillers, comedy...all sorts really including Stephen King, Dean Koontz, James Herbert, Terry Pratchett, Jeff Long, Edgar Allen Poe, Hunter S Thompson, H G Wells, Richard Matheson to name just a few.

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