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Everything posted by chicken

  1. Whoops silly me, forgot all about that and its really good too - I love Morgan Freeman.
  2. Right thats it I'm on a mission now to get them all again and have a re-read ! I knew this would happen on a site about books........so many stories ......so little time :readingtwo:
  3. You lucky thing. I had the first one Clan of the Cave Bear (?) and lost it, the second one I lent to Mum and she lost it (!) I only have one at the moment, but am keeping my eyes open round car boot sales etc hoping to get them again. How many are there now. We seem to have very similar taste in literature dont we
  4. Right now I am intrigued, need a break from Diana Gabaldon - I am going to buy this tomorrow and see what all the fuss is about. I knew this site would turn me to the dark side
  5. I only keep Stephen King books and "sets" Lord of the Ring, His Dark Materials, Earths Children etc that I liked or dont have the complete set of. The others are read and passed round the family my Mum reads a lot since she retired (lucky thing) and my SIL doesn't work (even luckier thing) so we swap quite often. I suppose I have about 150 books including all my gardening books and OH's car books. Not bad really. If I had the room I would have a libary stacked FULL of all sorts then I would have thousands of books
  6. Yes do. Its a great read, really engrossing - I loved it.
  7. YIKES ! Thats scary ! Pennywise. Ever since I read that book I have gone right off Macdonalds I found the first DT book hard to get into but once I got it I was hooked. Its a great series, what a shame its done now tho? Have you read The Eyes of the Dragon? I think that is something to do with DT. I get confused with it all as a lot of the books have reference to other books in them. I spend ages trawling through books for references to others ! How very sad:doh:
  8. Welcome Its one of my favourites, no thats a lie I love em all just in different ways !! How is Heart Shaped Box? I read one of Tabitha Kings earlier this year, not overly impressed, but it was not the worst book I ever read. Oh hang on.........Candles Burning. (just had to run downstairs and have a look !!)
  9. I have been given a Star wars book ( I love the films ) I didn't realise there were Star Wars Books are they books of the films? Are they any good? How many are there? Where can I get my hands on them? Why have I never seen them before ???? So many questions Sorry to be a pest.
  10. Call me old fashioned but I look forward to searching out my next book in the bookshops (they smell good!) and holding a nice sturdy paper book in my mitts ! Nice idea, just not for me thanks all the same
  11. Great lets be friends:friends0: What did you think of Insomnia? I loved it and although I read it ages ago I still find myself looking for peoples ribbons I know I'm daft !
  12. I loved Lord of the Rings but I did find the 3rd book hard work, same with His Dark Materials trilogy, I kept wanting to give Lyra a slap (is that just me?) I loved Tad Williams War of the Flowers and would highly recommend it.
  13. I read at work holding the book on my knees under the desk so no-one can see it At home I veg out on the sofa or lie in bed, I have been reading The Fiery Cross layed on my front propped up on my elbows with the book resting on my pillow - its to heavy to hold and I keep waking up dribbling on the pages ;) must be getting old
  14. Really Michelle? I found it extremly unsettling, it was one of those books that it took me ages to get out of my system, I kept thinking about it after I had finished it. It freaked me out a bit What a woose !
  15. OHHHHHHHHH the Dark Tower brilliant ! the end was a nightmare tho wasn't it . From a Buick 8 is another one I am not over fond of, I didn't really get it, but that might be me I must concede on Dreamcatcher - classic Stephen King, but I still maintain my opinion that he has lost something in his writing recently. Compare Cell or Lisey's Story with The Stand or IT and they are lacking that special something for me. Maybe we will have to agree to disagree on this one, at least we are united in our enjoyment of reading
  16. I have read The Running Man and I really liked it. No films, with the notable exceptions of Misery and The Green Mile, made from SK's books do the books justice. He builds such great characters (even the nasty ones) and story lines that films cant fit it all in ! I would recommend a similar story called "The Long Walk" which is in The Bachman Books along with The Running Man. - It will make you think !
  17. No one has mentioned Cujo by Stephen King - it makes my blood run cold Christine (also by SK) is quite creepy too, but Cujo is the one to give you the heebie geebies
  18. Tolerance is what we all need to learn I second that - all this fuss and bother about a film, its a film based on a work of fiction! As for the teacher in Sudan - that is just terrible, the poor woman is there to help the children learn, I shouldn't imagine insulting anybody was very high on her list of priorities. Its a shame and the authorities should think again, its a little petty.
  19. You say true Muggle Not. I too would be very sad at the thought that there would never be another Stephen King story to look forward to, but if his recent offerings are anything to go by he seems to have lost interest. Thats just my opinion, but since the accident his writing seems to lack passion dont you think?
  20. You are so right, I loved it at first, then it got very tedious. It seems to me that he has become formulaic (dodgy spelling???) and that is a shame because some of his books, such as, It, Carrie, Insomnia and of course the DT series (except the last one - what a cop out ) are really engrossing, the more recent works are not very good. Maybe he should quit while he is still near the top ?
  21. I have just join the forum and Stephen King is my favourite author. The Stand is totally brilliant, I love it and have read it many many times. The first time I was reading it tho my eldest daughter was just 6 and came home from school one day sneezing, well I just burst into tears I had got so engrossed in the book (instead of housework!) that I thought she had caught Captain Trips ! I have to say that the latest one of his I read, Liseys Story, was pretty poor and I didn't like it much, the only other book of Mr Kings that I didn't care for was Geralds Game. For me Stephen King is definatley one of the best. I am a fan ! (bit sad that innit!!)
  22. Not sure if these would be strictly sci fi but I really enjoy the "Coyote" series by Allan Steele. Its the story of settlers on an alien planet much like earth but not. Very good I thought.
  23. Wow, what a lovely welcome. Thank you all. Not hanging around long today, unfortunatley. Works "do" last night and I am cream crackered, just thought I would pop in. Have a lovely warm feeling now. Thank you and good night !
  24. Yeah ! ha ha ha :mrgreen: Like you already
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