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Posts posted by Talisman

  1. I find it really frustrating at work as well when parents and kids come into the store together and the parents buy age rated games which you know are for the kids. Because the parents are paying though, there is nothing we can do. This to me is the ultimate in irresponsible parenting.


    You don't get RSI from books either !

  2. There are already electronic bibles you can search and I want one because I sometimes don't have time with the children to read in the morning before we go out. It would be great to be able to slip something into my handbag I could read while out, and search when OH is quizzing me. I would still need an actual bible though. I flick through mine too much.



    I did come across a downloadable copy that you could order somewhere, if I can remember where, or come across it again, I will let you have the address. I could do with one too, would be very useful for my next book - if I ever have the time to start writing !

  3. When I went to a Sony trade fair a few months ago (I work for an electronics retailer) they were unable to tell me anything about these things at all, and had none on display. This is a shame, since I would have liked to have seen one.


    The idea of e-books does have a certain appeal for authors, since it potentially cuts out all the middle men, who are all too keen to take a slice of our hard earned income (everyone thinks authors are stinking rich, but actually most of us earn less than 5K a year and have second jobs), since the books can be downloaded direct from either the authors or publishers own website. There are security issues to consider though, since it is far too easy to copy work without paying for it, and far too many people still consider that this is their God given right, forgetting that we own the work and also have rights - to sue the pants off them if caught ! And believe me, I would !


    Personally I don't think anything will ever replace paper copies either, not completely. I can see that there is a market for educational books and certain types of non fiction - a searchable e copy of The Bible for example would be brilliant, but not for fiction.

  4. I didn't get to the stage of discussing royalties with them, but because of the way in which the industry works, most authors, POD or otherwise (myself included) don't receive royalties until 6 months after the book is published. This is basically because book stores pay wholesalers after 3 months, and wholesalers pay publishers 3 months after they are paid by the book sellers. With my publisher, the first cheque is sent after 6 months, and thereafter you are paid every 3 months. With most commercial publishers though it is just twice a year. She will be lucky then to get any money for another 6 months - apart from for books that she sells herself of course.


    I agree though that it is very good publicity, but not very well researched. It wouldn't happen in my village newsletter !

  5. The house has definately not been bought on the proceeds from or royalties from this book - trust me on this one. If you read the article carefully uou will see that her publisher is Authorhouse. This is the largest print on demand provider in both North America and Britain - I looked at publishing with them, and chose not to for various reasons, mainly the fact that they were so expensive, and also because they were very high pressure sales. Because they are print on demand this means that authors pay them to publish their books, and not the other way around. She would get royalties then, and of course the proceeds from books that she sells herself, but no advance.


    I think it is great that this lady has become a published author at the age of 93, and I can see why she may have chosen this route - let's face it, what 93 year old has the time to wait around hoping to be 'discovered'! I also think it is great that she is helping her friends in this way. It is very clever publicity, but the money for this house definately did not come from her book !

  6. I am not a big sports fan, and don't really watch it on the TV. I do though enjoy walking - around the area where we live (loads of walks to choose from being surrounded by one of the National Trust's largest estates), and of course on Lundy. I also go the gym around 2-3 times a week, where I use the exercise bikes and treadmills and also the weights.


    My job keeps me quite fit as well - running up and down stairs, lifting and carrying TV's, hoovers and so on. :blush:

  7. Perhaps I will try selling my book in Ghana then - ha ha :friends0:


    Seriously though, I read for a number of different reasons. As a non fiction writer, I read an awful lot of other non fiction books, looking for ideas for my own writing, for research purposes to check my own facts, and also as others have said, because it helps me to learn. I am not talking cook books and gardening books here, which is what a lot of poeple think non fiction is, but about different aspects of history, religion and science, in particular what some would call forbidden archaeology or alternative history, these are the two subjects that fascinate me the most, since there is so much of our history that we do not know about. I also read a lot about human origins and our evolution, and actually studied this subject for a year via Birkbeck College. It is important after all to look at all the angles and explore differing points of view.


    I also have a sizeable collection of spiritual books, some of which I dip into time and time again, the Conversations of God books and the works of Eckhart Tolle probably being my favourites. I have learnt a lot about myself through such books, and have been pleased to discover that I am not alone in problems and insecurites. This has been a great comfort at times. Lately I have had several 'dark nights of the soul' on which to ponder such things.


    I do read fiction as well, although not as much. I find that I particualrly enjoy novels about different places and cultures (The Kite Runner, The Shadow of the Wind etc). I enjoy getting to know the different characters and thinking about their motivations, and sometimes comparing them to people I have met in real life.


    Reading for me though fulfills several needs - yes the need for escapism, but most of all for learning and experiencing about different aspects of life and for finding out more about myself and where I fit into this wonderful thing we call life.

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