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Posts posted by nicnic

  1. I've been very naughty and not recording the books I've been reading, whoops!


    Anyway, as a wee update and an incentive to keep this reading list - my current read is Schopenhauer: A Very Short Introduction byt Christopher Janaway


    So far, so good, I am understanding most of it. I got a set of these 'short introduction' books back in September and only just getting around to reading them. Sometimes it is challenging, but that is what I am looking for. I do get fed up of reading books that make my mind stagnate.

  2. I liked 'Interview' but much prefer the second and third books in the series. I think if I came to them now, I might have trouble reading them. I used to be quite into anything with sexy vampires, but I would probably be a wee bit book-snobbish now and think they were a bit silly and far fetched.

  3. I have a small bookshelf in my flat for my new books, and a box of old ones. However, space is so limited that I don't have room to bring all my books that I have. The vast collection of books I have still live at my Mum's house, as it is much bigger than my tiny flat. She doesn't mind them taking up space in the living room because apparently it makes her look clever!

  4. Most of my bookmarks are just slips of paper or whatever. I also use things that I find in library and second hand books. I have found two photos in second hand books I use. One is of a very lonely looking sheep on a hillside, the other of a load of anniversary cards on a shelf. I always see bookmarks to buy but I am so bad at losing them down the back of the sofa or whatever that it's a bit pointless buying them.

  5. I have a problem. I have a hardback book that I would like to sell soon and it is in excellent condition. I put the ISBN number in to Green Metropolis and it came up with the same book but a different cover and more pages.


    Can I still sell?


    Yes, absolutely, but if you notice there is a box for 'other comments' about the book when you come to list it. Just put a note in there advising the buyer that it is a different cover and has a different number of pages. You can even describe the cover if you want to!

  6. I have finished The Womens' Room and rather enjoyed it. I did prefer the early portions of the book and found the relationship between the couple rather compelling and the lead character's subsequent escape from her unhappy marriage the most interesting part. The feminist messages are very strongly portrayed and in some ways, at the expense of the story itself. However, the author was writing with an agenda and perhaps the only reason some of the issues seem 'overblown' is that to me, now, in 2007 they are not a big deal. Women are no longer seen, in Western society at least, as just wives and mothers.


    It is a book very much of it's time, and as such, is worth a read.


    I've now started on Blood by Janice Galloway it's another short story collection. Janice Galloway wrote a book called 'The trick is to keep breathing', which was excellent and written in a very unusual style. Flicking through this book, it seems to be similar and it is excellent to see someone playing with style.

  7. Hey there,


    Good to see another North-East person on here! I would have loved to do a literature degree, on the subject of Jane Austen, have you tried reading 'Mansfield Park'. Although I don't like Austen much, this is a personal favourite simply because it's slightly different to her other novels and the lead character is a far cry from those in P&P etc.


    Frankenstein is ace, I can imagine it will be very interesting to study indeed. The themes in it are even more pertinent today, considering where Science has taken us.


    Enjoy the forum, I have so far!

  8. I finished 'The Girl in the Flammable Skirt'. I do love some of the stories, some stand out such as the one entitled 'Healer' and the first story in the book. They are surreal in places, and are almost set in a world slightly different to our own. Not a word seems wasted, which I believe is essential in a good short story. A few of the stories did have me thinking 'hmm what was that all about?' but I really did love it overall. I've added another book by this writer to my Amazon wishlist, if only to remind me I want it!


    I decided to read some more fiction after all. I've started The Womens' Room by Marilyn French. According to the blurb it's a classic work of feminist fiction. I am loving it so far. Occasionally it seems dated but simply because the issues encountered by the women are perhaps less prominent in the here and now. However, some, such as rape are still, unfortunately, of the moment.

  9. My ultimate favourite is Sylvia Plath and has been for a long time. I do love the imagery she uses and the passion I read in her poetry. Although perhaps I shouldn't, I do like Ted Hughes too, 'Birthday Letters' in particular is worth reading. I also love TS Eliot, WH Auden and Phillip Larkin.

  10. 1. I can't ride a bike or drive a car - my co-ordination is too poor!

    2. When I was younger I had ambitions to be a doctor or a journalist or a novelist.

    3. I just moved into my first 'live alone' place a month ago, its great, but scary

    4. I'm addicted to buying make up, bath stuff and books.

    5. My fave tipple is a cold pint (I'm just soooo ladylike!) or a good glass of smooth red wine

  11. Hello and welcome, I'm new here too but am enjoying it so far. I'm addicted to buying new books too, my TBR pile isn't quite as big as yours, but only because I carry handcuffs on me at all times to prevent myself entering bookshops and buying more stuff...:smile2:

  12. I finished the Susan Sontag book, it was excellent. The first part, which was essays on various books and authors inspired me to find out more about them and I've added such books to my Amazon wish list. I know a good book when I end up Googling various stuff about it when it is finished. I loved the portion which contained essays on 9/11 and the subsequent 'war on terror'. I agree with many of her views.


    I've decided to read something again, some short stories it's The Girl in the Flammable skirt by Aimee Bender. If I remember correctly they're slightly twisted and unsual and just what I'm in the mood for.


    After that, maybe the book on Gender philosophy my boyfriend gave me, or a book on Literary Theory...

  13. Hi there,


    I'm Nicola, am from the North-East of England and have just joined. I was a bit fed up of everyone I know thinking my 'book talk' is dull as dishwater, so I joined up here.


    I'm damned shy, but it looks quite friendly here so I can't wait to start posting. Best wishes to everyone, hope to chat to you soon x

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