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Everything posted by ii

  1. ii

    Oh, so sorry, Janet!


    I've been super busy, jumping back and forth between Paris and Finland, and doing zillion things at once. This place is too addictive for a simple "quick look around".


    How are you?

  2. *cracks up* It depends on the countries, I suppose. I remember it was fairly expensive to call from/to Russia with a Finnish connection, then again, States is pretty cheap. It depends on where your connection's from and the transfer prices and whatnot. I have no clue, really. *laughs*


    A few well-placed, completely inappropriate messages are ALWAYS worth the expense, no matter what that expense is.


    And with that, I must run. I must run like the wind to get the shot "glasses" for the Jell-O's, so I can get them into the fridge to set for tonight. I'm the "Jell-O person", people are counting on me... *cracks up*

  3. These events usually are. Noone parties like Finnish university students... Oh dear God! Poor you! I'm all for religion and all that, but please! If you want, you can send me your cell phone number, so I can send you totally inappropriate text messages throughout your dinner, to keep you from going into boredom-induced coma. *mischievous grin*


    Next week?! So soon! Wow... No wonder you're anxious for the date...

  4. Well, I do aim to entertain, no matter what I do. And if you're all very lucky, tonight may result in a) random drunken blogging, and/or b) stories! My Friend With Huge Boobs is naturally attending the party, so you never know what's going to happen. Last time we attended a party with these people, pictures of us kissing appeared online. And once I was declared the Perfect Woman. So there should be stories to tell. That's if I don't have one Jell-O too many and fail to remember everything. *laughs*


    I'd love to have your "help", I'm sure. *laughs* Oh dear, that would be fun! Okay, so we're adding 'shopping spree' to that drinks of ours... If we keep this up, we have plans for a month soon!


    Do you have any ballpark time frame of when you're going?

  5. ii

    Oh, I'm so glad you liked it!! It does take a bit of getting used to, the tone and pace and all...


    I'll go check it right now. The Moomins are originally somewhat darker stories than the cartoon series are. But definitely worth reading! There's also a book called Winter Book by her, which, as far as I understand, is more like this Summer Book, only short stories.


    I had wonderful time in Paris, thank you! The champagne was good, as always, and I managed to do some shopping I needed to get done. And H's new apartments is really nice! I want to move, too. Okay, I just want to redecorate, but... *laughs*


    Oh, how was Bruges? Was is a work/school thing or just for fun?



  6. "You're always here" ... gee, thanks! That didn't make me sound like a pathetic little Miss No-Life at all! *cracks up*


    I've been incredibly busy. Like today, I need to go buy plastic shot cups, make three packs of Jell-O shots, go to pilates, wash my hair, meet up with a friend and have lunch, try to come up with an outfit for the evening (I have new pretty shoes!), see some people for a few hours to cut the fabrics for a play outfits (I promised to help because I'm not insanely busy, just incredibly, and I was feeling suicidal), attend a party for new students to tell them to pick economics as their major. Somewhere in there I need to pick up a book from a library for school work and do some grocery shopping.


    And that's just another day in my life... I've barely had time to read my mail, no hope of updating the blog or being in here...


    What's up with you? I've missed you! (see, I said I missed you, not that I'm bored and need you to entertain me, I'm nice.) *laughs*

  7. ii

    Oh, I can't wait to hear your thoughts! I hope you enjoy it!


    It went surprisingly well, or the one I wasn't planning on taking did. *laughs*


    I'm actually off to Paris. H is moving, so I'm going to help her (read: sit on the floor wearing my hard hat and drinking pink champagne). What can I say, I'm a great friend! *cracks up*


    Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Yes, well, what better reason to go to Hong Kong than martinis... *laughs*


    Thank you. It's not my favourite topic at all, but I think I can swing it. I'm taking a bit of a risk, so let's hope the questions go my way. I only know part of the stuff, you see... Thank you!


    Oh, just Paris. My best friend H is moving, so naturally I have to go help (read: sit on the floor watching the movers while wearing my pretty hard hat, eating grapes and drinking champagne)... Should be fun!

  9. Hong Kong?? Wow, that's really exciting! And it's a good place, no? I mean, civilised, rather western but yet exotic... I'm really thrilled for you two! (of course, still no martinis for the two of us...)


    I'm good, thank you. I have an exam in few hours, and after that chicken tortillas and pink champagne with My Friend With Huge Boobs, whom I haven't seen in ages! So it'll be fun! (And a good consolation for now being in

  10. Welcome back!

    How was your trip?



  11. ii

    Oh ******!

  12. ii

    Yes, we should. *laughs*

    Well, I'm sure the next time you want to talk about something dirty, you'll come and do it on my profile just so that I get blamed for it...

  13. ii

    *uncontrollable laughter*

    this is going to be a really good day... This and the Shiptare Boys on the background, perfect start... *laughs*

  14. ii

    Isn't this just the kind of conversation you want to start the day with?? *cracks up*


    You do realise, that now your comments are the only ones everyone else can understand? So I cannot be blamed for this! *evil laughter*

  15. ii



    How are you?

    I saw you're reading Tikkanen's Manrape, and it made me think of a quote from a friend years back. As it's in Finnish, I didn't want to post it on the thread. Rape is a very serious thing, of course, and I don't recall how we got to talking about it. Anyways, we were talking about raping a man, and the friend exclaimed: Mut eih

  16. ii

    It's good to know we won't be fighting over the same men. *laughs*


    I know, and therein lies my problem. I'll PM you about it...


    Thank you! I hope you have a good day too! (I doubt I will, I can barely walk. Every muscle in my body is hurting, especially my legs. There's no hope of wearing heels today, or driving...)



  17. ii

    Yes well... some of us are into older hairy men with dirty beards, beer guts and callused hands and whisky-breath... some are into hot young Norwegian athletes. It's all just what makes us special! *cracks up*


    Of course! In fact, I outdid myself, dong way more than was in the plan. *laughs* I'm slightly worried about the depths of my theory, I'm not sure I'm going 'deep' enough, but I'll share more about that tomorrow...



  18. ii

    It's pretty good. Plus, when one plan fails, you won't sink into despair, as you have a spare. *laughs* I think I'm finally getting a hang of this whole adulthood -thing... I'd recommend mine, but I really think it would ruin the purpose of the time spent in a convent if you happened there at the same time. *laughs*


    I know! I'm hitting 'replay' all the time! And from what I've gathered, they're actual Norwegian KFOR soldiers. Incredible!


    Anytime! If everything else fails, rum is always an option. Just don't go to Norway to drink it. Or anywhere near Perfect Morning-After Voice!


    No, not really. I did read some blogs I needed to check. And some other unimportant things. So I'm ready to start first thing tomorrow morning! I'll set the alarm early, have my coffee and then hit the thesis. Once again, I have a plan, you see. Thank you for the offer, though! Oh, and I might need your help on this communications essay I'm writing, but it's for later...



  19. ii

    Me too. I always need to have a plan. That plan might change five times in a day, but I always have a plan. That's why I'm not stressing about my future right now. I have a plan. Or several. But once those start crumbling, I'll be running to the convent again... *laughs*


    Me? Mischief? Never!! (seriously, it's hilarious!)


    I saw and answered. Good rant, by the way.



  20. ii

    *laughs* Glad I'm not the only one doing that! And I was doing pretty well in my own thread...


    Awww, don't stress about it. *laughs* Like I'm the one to say. But it'll all fall into place, trust me.


    Oh, well, did you see the video I linked? That's a good way to procrastinate! *cracks up* I also posted it, and the lyrics, on my blog...


    Can't wait to read your post on the 'home travel'!


  21. ii

    Hey... just checking what you're up to...

    I'm bored, but don't want to go to bed yet, as that would be "giving up" on today. As long as I stay awake I'm not letting go of today and can still change the "total score". Does that make any sense? So, I'm staying at the computer, chatting with friends and just wasting time! *cracks up*


    Hope you had a good Monday!



  22. Hi!


    I meant to drop by earlier, what with all the action and mess in my life lately... Anyways, how was your trip?? Did you enjoy Yll

  23. ii



    Feeling any better?

  24. ii

    I'm hungry too... do you think we could sweet-talk your mom to cook us something nice? *laughs*

  25. ii

    It's alright.

    My day's been good, thank you. I've mainly chatted with friends, took care of paying some bills, checked the nhl.com for final trade news... finished the book I was reading. Nothing too amazing, I'm afraid. I should continue working on my thesis, and do some other school-related things... Figure out what to have for dinner...


    Did you get your hot chocolate?

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