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Posts posted by Ruth

  1. I loved the first series of this show, but sometime during the second series, I realised that practically all of the characters were unbelievably self absorbed and annoying. Sorry!! I'm still lamenting the end of ER - season 15 will be the last series.

  2. Hi Ben. I have picked up Blindness in my local book shop on many occasions, but the lack of paragraphs has always put me off. However, the theme really intrigues me, so I may have to give it a go! I didn't even know there was a sequel, so thanks for the info. Depending on how I get on with Darkness, I may have to get hold of Seeing.

  3. I have a problem with formulaic crime/thrillers - unfortunately, there seem to be a lot of them out there, as a writer finds something that works once and then hangs on for dear life.


    The other things that gets me is the fine line between it being too easy to figure out whodunnit and it being impossible to work out. I like to have a chance of working things out for myself, but I don't want it to be too obvious or I feel like the writer is being condescending.


    I agree on both points. I have read a few books where I have figured out whodunnit when I am only about 1/3 of the way through. It's quite disappointing when that happens. On the other hand, I have also read a couple, where the perpetrator was someone who wasn't in the book at all until the very end, when they where revealed to be the one 'whodunnit'.

  4. I recently read After Dark, which I enjoyed, although I did wonder if I was missing the point somewhat. But I have been informed by friends who have read lots of his novels, that After Dark is not one of his better ones.

  5. This is a fabulous and utterly compelling debut novel, set in Mississippi in the 1940s, a time when white people and black people were not friends, and did not socialise together. It is a novel about hatred and intolerance, about anger, about family and about love.


    Laura McAllan is not happy when her husband Henry decides to move them from their comfortable life in the city to a remote cotton farm in the Mississipi Delta. She misses her home comforts, and struggles with the harsh and sparse lifestyle (she names the farm

  6. Season of the Witch by Natasha Mostert caught my attention - looks like it could be something I might enjoy...


    Of the 2008 choices, I've read:

    Adept by Robert Finn

    Boy A by Jonathan Trigell

    Q & A by Vikas Swarup


    I also have The Mathematics of Love by Emma Darwin...


    I have it on my tbr - might be a good Halloween read!

  7. Sorry for reopening this thread after such a long time (I'm not sure wether book circle threads are meant to continue on once the month is finished) but I had a question about this book.


    I read it last WE and loved it and hated it at the same time. I thought it was great in many ways but in others it was just too much.


    But the fact is I cant quite get it out of my head since then... And I just realised something: whose voice do you think it is in the prologue? It is the only part which isnt labelled and I always assumed it was Anna, talking about how she sometimes dreamt of killing her sister. But at the end the person speaking says 'she' ended up killing herself on her own... Is this really Kate speaking? Saying she felt she only existed compared to her sister??


    When you think about it, its the only explanation that makes sense, but it seems to put an entirely different perspective on her caracter and the way she saw things. If so, it is very cleverly done indeed!


    I thought that the voice was Anna's until I came to the end of the book and I decided it was Kate's. I might be wrong, but that's the way of looking at it that I find 'fits' the best.


    I read this a few years ago, and was captivated by it. I remember becoming really angry with Anna's mother, although it is impossible to imagine what she must have been going through.


    I thought the book was very well written and presented the subject from a very human point of view.


    However, I am famously hard to completely please:smile2:, and there was one part that disappointed me...

    ...the ending. It just felt like a real cop out for Anna to be killed after everything that had happened. I also felt that Jesse's story was wrapped up too conveniently, although I am probably nitpicking there.



    Overall though, a terrific read.

  8. As someone who never cooks (I'm lucky to be married to a wonderful cook), I don't really watch cookery programmes. Hubby does though, and he really likes Jamie Oliver. I like him too, because I do think he's trying to make a positive difference, and his receipes translate easily to someone's kitchen - just good, wholesome food.


    I like Gordon Ramsay too, and am booked for lunch at his NY restaurant in four weeks!


    The Hairy Bikers are hilarious!

  9. Still trying to make my mind up on fringe, it looks good from ep1 but ..it has potential to be another LOST( read: drag on for years with no clue where its going)


    I didn't like Lost, but I loved X Files. If it is another Lost, I won't stick with it for long. I like Kirk Acevedo a lot, and he's one of the main cast...so I'll do my usual thing of watching the first few episodes and then decide what to do.

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