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Posts posted by Sedge

  1. Randall Flagg from The Stand by Stephen King

    Mandrake from Duncton Wood by William Horwood

    Ford Prefect from The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams

    Obadiah Hakeswill from Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe books

    Rincewind from Terry Pratchett's Discworld books

  2. I read Midnight over 20 years ago and I can't even remember the storyline, however - it's stuck with me as a really good read and I then followed it up with: The Key to Midnight - which is the follow on book - I enjoyed that one too! I would say that most of his earlier books I enjoyed, but I couldn't say if Midnight was typical as my memory isn't up to it I'm afraid! :friends0:



    Thanks Loopyloo. I didn't know there was a sequel - it'll be added to my shelves soon!

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