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Status Updates posted by Nici

  1. Nici

    'whatever' ;):lol:

  2. Nici

    Herro hon, hope you don't mind but Robbie has pinched your avatar to use as his piccie for his user and msn!

  3. Nici

    Thank you Paula xxx

  4. Yep very simple to set up! Excellent, I will let him know! x

  5. Thank you again everyone! xxxx

  6. Nici

    Thank you honey xxx

  7. Nici

    Judy, lovely to see you back! How are you? xx

  8. Thank you for the compliment! *blushes*

  9. Nici

    Yes I am doing an Access to HE Course in Social Science for a year which will then give me the qualifications that I need to go to Uni to do the Social Work Degree. So four years of studying ahead of me but so worth it to become a Social Worker!


    Dad and Robbie are fine thanks, Robbie has just started year 9 at school and Dad has just returned from Romania, doing a sponsored trek for Macmillan.


    Life is pretty good at the moment. :)


    Nici xx

  10. Hope your ok Jules, I saw that you have had a bad week...... xx

  11. Nici

    You are very welcome my love. But i'm not doing anything that you haven't already done for me. xx

  12. is still recovering from my sisters wedding! <3

  13. Nici

    Thanks hon xx

  14. You are very welcome, thanx for accepting me! :)

  15. Hello my love, I'll pm you my address - Russell was great, i'll post it back to you this week as well - can you pm me your address please lol.


    Yep went to see NKOTB on Saturday and oh my god they were brilliant! I posted some photos on my blog (link in my siggie) we were right by stage 2 so we were front row for some of the concert *swoon*! Stay in touch hon, I miss you! xxx

  16. New photo added in the 'me and mine' album, taken today. :)

  17. I am very well thank you! Only three days left of work and then I have two weeks off and then I start college - the first step towards becomming a Social Worker! It's all very exciting!


    How are you?



  18. Nici

    Just got home and had post from you! So wanted to thank you for your card and letter. The card is lovely - I love home made cards! Thanks again :) xxx

  19. Hi Bronwen, Just popping by to say I have finished your book and absolutely loved it! I have posted my review on my book blog here, the bcf book review web page and on my blog page. :)

  20. Nici

    Thanks for my Christmas card! You should get yours soon xx

  21. You are very welcome! :)

  22. Thank you for wanting to be my friend! Whereabouts in Canada are you from? I have family close to Vancouver x

  23. Hi Ann, the funeral was beautiful thank you. This may sound silly to some but I can feel mum around me which is a comfort. xx

  24. Thank you for my christmas card :)

  25. Nici

    Thanks Tiger. I went there for the flower show a couple of years ago and had a little look around but I want to look inside and out next time!

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