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Status Updates posted by Nici

  1. How are you finding it? I am hoping to start college in September to do an access course and then go to uni to do my degree in social work. What course are you doing? x

  2. Happy birthday Heather, hope you have a great day! x

  3. Happy birthday, nice to see you back!

  4. Nici

    Hi Paula, your card has arrived! Thank you so much - I love the cat! xx

  5. Nici

    Oink ;) How are you feeling hun? *hugs*

  6. Lundy was on The One Show tonight, part two tomorrow - I did think of you! :)

  7. My mumwas on City Hospital a couple of years ago being interviewed by Andy Peters about her cancer and Robbie was on TMI lasy year! Whys that?

  8. Nici

    Hi Tiger :friends0:, Not too bad thanks. Finding it a little difficult this Christmas but we will do our best to enjoy it. How are you and your mum?

  9. Nici

    Thank you Angel x

  10. Hi Paula, yep she came back at 10.40pm the little minx! Hope yours has returned! xx

  11. Nici

    Thank you Tiger :friends0: I hope you and all your family manage to have the nicest Christmas possible in the circumstances x

  12. Nici

    You poor thing! :(

  13. Hi Lexi! Can't believe we weren't friends on here! Loving Eclipse, loving Edward! x

  14. Thank you for my Christmas card! x

  15. Nici

    Hello hon, just wanted to say thank you for the little note and picture - they arrived in today's post. You are very sweet xx

  16. Can't wait to see you tomorrow! :friends3:

  17. Nici

    I will do in future lol! Oh well.....

  18. Thank you! I am very excited! :)

  19. Oh Ann I am so pleased you liked it! If it's ok with you, post the review on the forum and then i'll send it to the publishers. Thank you! x

  20. Nici

    Oh Beef I missed your birthday :( I'm so sorry, forgive me?


    How are you hun? It seems ages since we have had a natter!

  21. Nici

    Just wanted to say a really big thank you for my card and letter. You are such a lovely person. xxx

  22. We will eat either! Yummy! You are both very good!

  23. Nici

    Hope you have had a lovely birthday xx

  24. That's fine Ann. Did you have a nice time at Paula's?

  25. Nici

    LOL! I don't have that many problems! :tong:


    And here I was just popping by to say hi! :)

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