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Posts posted by Kylie

  1. Oh, don't feel disappointed with yourself Judy! I struggled a lot with this book and I'm a huge fan of sci-fi/fantasy. And dystopian books are my absolute favourites to read! I wish I'd skim-read Sloosha's Crossing myself; I don't think I would have missed much if I'd done so! :tong: I think you should be proud of yourself for persevering with it and finishing it! :welcomeboard:

  2. I think I'm one of the few people that isn't overly keen on Tim-Tams.


    :welcomeboard: Say it ain't so! :tong:


    Plus Twisties as well (that was the first thing I bought as soon as I arrived. I was suffering withdrawal BIG TIME!). Yum, yum, YUM! :D


    OK, Twisties withdrawal I can understand! I love chicken most, followed by regular cheese. Have you tried the new type? Can't remember what it's called, but they're very addictive.

  3. I call my midday meal 'lunch' and my evening meal 'tea', although I think I sometimes call it 'dinner' at work so as not to confuse other people (and to avoid comments like Icecream's 'tea is a drink' :tong:). I once read that some Australians call it dinner/tea depending on whereabouts in England their ancestors came from or something.


    I don't think I've ever heard anyone call their midday meal 'dinner' before. That's just weird! :D (Although no weirder than me naming my evening meal after a beverage, I guess!)


    All this talk of food has made me hungry :welcomeboard: I brought some 2-minute noodles in for lunch.


    Don't forget a boxful of Tim-Tams Angerball! And the Vegemite! (If you're a Vegemite person.)

  4. Hi Kathleen!


    Jane Austen is one of my favourite authors and I've only read two of her books so far (Pride and Prejudice and Emma)! I have the others on my TBR pile and can't wait to get stuck into them.

  5. Then you've come to the right place! I love kids books too. If you haven't already found it, we have a reading circle where a different book is nominated and then discussed each month. Nominations for October have recently opened if you're interested in participating. We read a couple of kids books earlier this year: Black Beauty and Anne of Green Gables. Both were very popular.

  6. You've got 2 & 3 the wrong way round. :D Although, No.3 is the best of those ones. :D


    Oops, thanks Kell :( Actually I did a couple of things wrong in that post, including leaving out the name of the Robert O'Brien book! I must have been too excited to think straight :)


    Angerball, the book fair is on at Sydney Uni. It finishes on Wednesday so you've still got a few days if you want to go!

  7. I know! Do you think I have a problem? I try to convince myself that I'm just building up my future library now, and that these books will stay with me forever. So in theory, after I finish building up my collection, I won't need to buy so many books, and so often. In theory. :(

  8. Went to a huge book fair today and came away with 38 books! :( Oh well, most people there were buying about the same amount as me, if not more. I got some really good bargains; most books were priced between 20c and $2, and if I had bought 2 of those books in shops, it would have cost me more than it did for all 38 books! And they're in pretty good condition. Let's see now...


    Jean M Auel: The Clan of the Cave Bear

    Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights

    Dan Brown: Angels and Demons (read before, but wanted my own copy)

    Dan Brown: Digital Fortress

    John Buchan: The Thirty-Nine Steps

    Isobelle Carmody: Obernewtyn

    Agatha Christie: The Secret Adversary

    Arthur C Clarke: Against the Fall of Night

    Arthur C Clarke: Expedition to Earth

    Eoin Colfer: Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident

    Roald Dahl: Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator

    Roald Dahl: Fantastic Mr Fox

    Iris Rainer Dart: Beaches

    Ian Fleming: Casino Royale

    Ian Fleming: Goldfinger

    Ian Fleming: Moonraker

    Ian Fleming: You Only Live Twice

    Anne Frank: The Diary of Anne Frank

    Kenneth Grahame: The Wind in the Willows

    Thomas Hardy: The Woodlanders

    Frank Herbert: Children of Dune

    Carolyn Keene: Nancy Drew and the Clue of the Dancing Puppet

    Robin Klein: Hating Alison Ashley

    John Marsden: So Much to Tell You

    Yann Martel: Life of Pi

    Ann M Martin: 3 BSC Books (including the last one of the series; I haven't read any of these in ages, but I always wanted to read the last book)

    Robert O'Brien: Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

    Ruth Park: Playing Beatie Bow

    Terry Pratchett: The Colour of Magic (Discworld #1)

    Terry Pratchett: Equal Rites (Discworld #3)

    Terry Pratchett: The Light Fantastic (Discworld #2)

    Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman: Good Omens

    JRR Tolkien: The Silmarillion

    Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn

    Lew Wallace: Ben-Hur

  9. Not sure if spoilers are needed here so I've gone the safe route and tagged most of it. I can't put spoilers around quotes but it's in reply to Freewheeling Andy's post.



    Do you think Luisa Rey and Cavendish were fictionalised? I always believed they were real. I didn't really consider it any other way. I suppose Timothy Cavendish's story could have been fictionalised, although I thought the movie that Sonmi was watching was based on his true life story.


    And I thought that Hush woman wrote Luisa's true story to get it published. Although if it was a fictionalised novel, it would certainly explain why it's so cliched!



    Actually, I've just been looking around the net for various opinions on this, and it seems that it can be taken either way (as you also mentioned). I found a comment on one particular website that puts forward these ideas (in my own words):



    The Orison of Sonmi-451 that Meronym has seems to be real...or it could be a work of fiction that they just believed to be real. The Cavendish movie is supposed to be autobiographical...or it could have been fictional. Cavendish believes Hush's novel was fictional, but it's possible that the story was based on actual events (which is what I tend to agree with). If Luisa's story is fictional, well, the author could still have based Frobisher on a real-life character. And Frobisher has suspicions about the authenticity of Adam Ewing's diary.


  10. The Twits

    Roald Dahl


    Rating: 8/10


    Published: 1980

    Number of pages: 87

    ISBN: 014131138X


    Summary (taken from blurb):

    Mr and Mrs Twit play some horrible tricks on each other. I bet you have never met two people more revolting. They never wash, they trap birds for Bird Pie and they hate children. Find out what brilliant trick the Roly-Poly Bird and the Muggle-Wump monkeys think up for them.



    A short but very enjoyable read. There's not too much I can say about this book without giving the plot away, but what I can say is that I love the Roly-Poly Bird and the monkeys, and the ending is terrific! There are also some lovely words of wisdom imparted ('a person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly'). And what would a Roald Dahl book be without Quentin Blake's illustrations?


    I believe this particular Roald Dahl story is aimed at younger readers than some of his other books (such as Matilda), but it's just as wonderful a read and has always been one of my personal favourites.



    Started: 12 September 2007

    Finished: 12 September 2007


    The Twits (at librarything.com)

  11. Danny The Champion Of The World

    Roald Dahl


    Rating: 8/10


    Published: 1975

    Number of pages: 214

    ISBN: 0141311320


    Summary (taken from blurb):

    Danny thinks the world of his father, but imagine his surprise when he finds out he's been breaking the law! Even grown-ups bend the rules sometimes, but Danny knows his father is still good, kind and clever and full of exciting ideas.


    Join them in this thrilling adventure as they hope to pull off the most daring and dangerous plan ever.



    Danny the Champion of the World is one of the few books of Roald Dahl's that I never got around to reading when I was a kid. Something about it never really appealed to me. Happily, that terrible oversight has now been rectified (if only I had read it 20 years ago!)


    The love between Danny and his father is so strong and so sweet. You don't see that very often in books nowadays. I love Dahl's imaginative writing; it's so vivid and it's easy to picture everything that's happening. I thought it was a lovely story and another piece of brilliance from Roald Dahl. (Happy Birthday Roald Dahl!) Highly recommended!



    Started: 11 September 2007

    Finished: 12 September 2007


    Danny The Champion Of The World (at librarything.com)

  12. Cloud Atlas

    David Mitchell


    Rating: 6/10


    Published: 2004

    Number of pages: 529

    ISBN: 0340822783


    Summary (taken from blurb):

    'Souls cross ages like clouds cross skies...' Six interlocking lives - one amazing adventure. In a narrative that circles the globe and reaches from the 19th century to a post-apocalyptic future, David Mitchell erases the boundaries of time, genre and language to offer an enthralling vision of humanity's will to power, and where it will lead us.



    I don't think I fell in love with this book as a lot of other people seem to have, but it was a good read and I'm glad I read it. I definitely enjoyed some sections more than others (I guess that's always going to be a problem in a book that's made up of such completely different stories), but I enjoyed picking up on the little 'clues' linking the stories together. I also really liked the closing comments of Adam Ewing's Journal/the book.


    One part I had trouble getting into was the first part of Adam Ewing's Journal. It was a difficult section to lead into the book with, but once I got past that it picked up, particularly with the second story, Letters from Zedelghem. This was the most enjoyable section for me; Robert Frobisher's character was probably the least likable but his letters were so witty and enjoyable to read that I could look past all that.


    I struggled a bit with The First Luisa Rey Mystery because it was so terribly cliched. The entire thing reminded me of a bad movie. The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish didn't really affect me one way or another. I quite enjoyed The Orison of Sonmi-451. I love dystopian literature and comparing different futures. This one gave me more food for thought. I also had trouble with Sloosha's Crossing, mostly because of the colloquial style of the language, and because it was the middle section, it was unbroken so I didn't even get a break from it!


    There were a few major themes running throughout all of the stories: reincarnation (the comet-shaped birthmark), betrayal, inequality, imprisonment, and the progress of mankind through the ages and the struggles of minorities to gain acceptance and freedom.


    I know I've said a few bad things about this book and I think ultimately that the whole was greater than the sum of its parts, but overall it was an enjoyable experience,. It's definitely a very ambitious novel for anyone to undertake, and I think David Mitchell did really well linking the various stories together. Recommended.



    Started: 1 September 2007

    Finished: 11 September 2007


    Cloud Atlas (at librarything.com)

  13. I've finally finished reading Cloud Atlas. I'll just answer the questions for now and maybe add some more general comments later.


    1. Who was your favourite character and why?

    Robert Frobisher, hands down. His letters were comical and I thought he was a loveable cad.


    2. Was there a particular part you enjoyed/disliked more than the rest?

    Letters from Zedelghem was my favourite section (Robert Frobisher's letters). I thought this was the most well-written and enjoyable section. The sections I liked least were Sloosha's Crossing and The First Luisa Rey Mystery. The former was difficult to read and not that much seemed to be happening until the end; I thought the Luisa Rey storyline seemed very cliched (maybe I've watched too much 24 or something!).


    3. Was this the first book you've read in this genre/by this author, has it encouraged you to read more?

    First book by this author. Undecided as to whether I will read any more of his work; I won't be rushing out to buy every other book he's written.


    4. Were there any parts/ideas you struggled with?

    I struggled with Adam Ewing's Journal at first. I think I've already mentioned that I thought this was a difficult section to lead into the book. Struggled with Sloosha's Crossing a bit too, mostly because of the colloquial style of the language, and because it was the middle section, it was unbroken so I didn't even get a break from it!


    5. Overall, was reading the book an enjoyable experience?

    Yes, it was. I definitely enjoyed some sections more than others (I guess that's always going to be a problem in a book that's made up of such completely different stories), but I enjoyed picking up on the little 'clues' linking the stories together. I also enjoyed the closing comments of Adam Ewing's Journal/the book.

  14. As far as I can see, we don't have a specific thread for the wonderful Roald Dahl, so I thought I'd start one up.


    This coming Thursday 13 September is Roald Dahl's birthday and it's also Roald Dahl Day! And if that doesn't sound like an invitation to spend the day reading Roald Dahl books, I don't know what does! Anyone else care to join me?


    I'm thinking of reading Danny, the Champion of the World, which I have on my TBR pile but have never gotten around to reading. Or maybe I should re-read an old favourite like The Twits or George's Marvellous Medicine. I'm spoilt for choice!

  15. I'm now half-way through the book, and reading Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After. As I suspected it would be, it's difficult to read but the story is OK so far. Letters from Zedelghem is still my favourite.


    The book is a good read, but I wouldn't say I'm overwhelmed by its brilliance or anything :smile2: Maybe I'll change my mind by the end.

  16. I loved the Baby-sitters Club books by Ann M. Martin when I was young. They were by far my favorite books. I started collecting them from their earliest days in the late 1980's. I had a huge collection of about 55 books, which I ended up giving to my boyfriend's little sister about 5 years ago. I don't know what happened to them after that, but she doesn't have them anymore....she likes Anne Rice and Edgar Allan Poe now.:)


    Me too Echo! I still have all of mine. I've thought about getting rid of them at various times but I can't bring myself to do it. I think I have over 130 of them. I stopped buying them because I outgrew them but I think they stopped not long after anyway. Now I wish I'd kept collecting so I could see how it ended.


    Edgar Allan Poe is just a small step up from BSC isn't it? :smile2:

  17. The most forgettable book I ever read was The Da Vinci Code. I think I enjoyed it while I was reading it, but as soon as I finished, I could remember absolutely nothing of what had happened. I remembered a vague plot and that was it. Shortly after that the movie came out and when I saw it, I had quite a few 'oh yeah, now I remember' moments.


    Comparing that book to all others I've read, maybe I generally have a better memory that I thought!

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