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Status Updates posted by Kylie

  1. Doh! I should have realised.


    Well, the forum didn't explode into flames when I posted a pic of myself, so I'm sure you'll be safe. Go on...:)

  2. Glad you had a great birthday! I would love to visit Darwin. My parents went a couple of years ago and loved it.


    My family have no idea what I like to read - I have to give them specific titles :lol: Or better yet I just ask for a voucher and get the books myself!

  3. Kylie

    Glad you had a nice holiday. It sounds lovely!


    I hope you come back 'full-time' soon. The forum isn't the same when you're not around, and I'm sure I'm not the only one missing you!

  4. Good morning Frankie :)

    I hadn't heard about that mosaic, so thanks for letting me know! I don't like coffee though, blech. :(

    Haha, I'm glad you're getting used to the accent. Now maybe you won't laugh at me when you hear me speak. Heehee. I can't say I ever notice any difference between different Aussie accents, but apparently there are differences ...

  5. Good morning/evening!

    I'm doing OK. I'm so tired though. I have Friday off work and I'm going to visit my brother. I can't wait to sleep in.

    I hope you've had a nice day. :)

  6. Haha. It's almost 9pm here. I should be having an early night because I'm tired but I'm very absorbed in watching Gilmore Girls and reading Club Dead (not at the same time though!). :)


    Did you design the interior yourself or did you have an interior designer do it? It looks so professional. It reminds me of those beautiful houses you see being built on Grand Designs. Do you watch that show? They should have done a profile on your place :)

  7. Haha. There's an ad playing TV at the moment that shows two blonde, blue-eyes, busty Swede girls, so I know what you mean.

    Apparently I have some Swedish in me. I like my nice blue eyes (about the only thing I like about myself) but I'm no good-looking Swede, that's for sure!

  8. Kylie

    Happy (belated) Birthday for the 1st, ii! I hope you had a great day!



  9. Kylie

    Happy 16th Birthday Ben!



  10. Happy 28th Birthday Frankie! You've got a couple of months on me...I'll be 28 in Feb. I hope you have a fantastic day! Have you got any plans?



  11. Happy Belated Birthday, Scarlette!



  12. Happy Birthday Abby! I hope your party goes really well tonight. :friends0:



  13. Happy Birthday Andrea! And oh wow, I just saw the news about your engagement! How on earth did I miss that? Congratulations, that's terrific news!



  14. Happy Birthday Andrea! I hope you have a terrific day today.



  15. Happy Birthday Angel! I hope you have a lovely day.



  16. Happy Birthday Bel-ami! I hope you have a lovely day.



  17. Kylie

    Happy Birthday Carm. I hope you have a lovely day!



  18. Happy Birthday Charm! I hope you have a magnificent day! :friends0: (The background on your profile page is awesome, by the way!)



  19. Happy Birthday Chimera! I hope you're having a wonderful day.



  20. Happy Birthday Chris!



  21. Happy Birthday for yesterday, MuggleMagic!



  22. Happy Birthday Frankie! I hope you have a terrific day. That bookmark you got sounds really lovely :)



  23. Happy Birthday Heather! I hope you have a great day.



  24. Happy Birthday Icecream! I hope you have a great day!


    I just looked at the pics of your girls - gorgeous!



  25. Happy Birthday Janet! Do you have any special plans?



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