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Book Wyrm
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Posts posted by ~Andrea~

  1. I finished The French Leuitenant's Woman. Wasn't sure what to make of it. A strange book in a way. I enjoyed reading it but I did think there was too much commentary, and found the narrator's voice very intrusive. (It's quite deliberate that the narrator has a strong presence in the book, but I didn't like it much.)


    I've not long started May We Be Forgiven by A. M. Homes and I'm not sure if I'm enjoying it or not. A lot of shocking and interesting things have happened so far, so the story is quite engaging, but the narration is quite mundane and every day, so much so that I'm finding it a little dreary.

  2. I loved Nomad, by Alan Partridge.


    AP goes on a hike from Norwich to Dungeness Power station on the South Coast, in 'the footsteps of his father' who once had a job interview there. This had me laughing out loud, and cringeing in equal measure! If like me you love AP you'll love this book.


    Next read: The French Leuitenant's Woman by John Fowles.

  3. Well I finished Nocturnal Animals by Austin Wright.


    Susan unexpectedly receives the manuscript of a novel, Nocturnal Animals, from her ex-husband Edward, whom she hasn't seen in years. She reads it over several days while her husband Arnold is away at a conference. There are two novels in one here, the story of Susan, her past with Edward, and her present with Arnold, and the gripping, disturbing story of Tony, the central character of Nocturnal Animals, who is pushed to the limit as he encounters a group of thugs during a drive to Maine with his family.


    This was utterly compelling, really well written and I loved it. A multi-layered novel: on one level, a very straightforward psychological thriller, and on another, a well observed domestic drama, with more to say on life and art and how one influences the other. As soon as I finished it, I wanted to go back and read it again, with the benefit of hindsight, and I intend to do so soon.

  4. The Various Haunts of Men - Susan Hill

    A woman vanishes in the fog up on the Hill in Lafferton. The police have one lead – a pair of expensive cuff-links found in her flat, with a mysterious note attached to them.

    This was OK. An interesting enough crime novel but didn't set my world on fire and I don't think I'd bother reading any more in the series.


    Silence - Shusaku Endo

    A portugese priest travels to 1640s Japan where the brutal persecution of Christians is taking place, in search of his former mentor Father Ferreira who has reportedly renounced his faith.
    I loved this, it's a beautifully written/translated and quite haunting tale of a man wrestling with his faith in the face of suffering. Wonderful.


    I'm currently reading Nomad by Alan Partridge which has had me laughing out loud, and Nocturnal Animals by Austin Wright which is an utterly compelling psychological thriller. :readingtwo:

  5. The Wish List
    Ambrose, David - Superstition

    Alexander, Denis - creation or evolution: do we have to choose?
    Beah, Ishmael - Memoirs of a Boy Soldier
    Bradbury, Ray - Farenheit 451
    Bradbury, Ray - Something Wicked this way comes
    Barker, Clive - Weaveworld

    Brother Lawrence - The Practice of the Presence of God
    Bugan, Carmen - Burying the Typewriter
    Challis, Sarah - Footprints in the sand

    Chalmers, David J - Philopsphy of Mind - Contermporary and Classic Readings
    Chamberlaine, Diane - The Midwife's confession recommended
    Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy
    Conran, Shirley - Savages
    Coupland, Douglas - Microserfs/JPod

    Coben, Harlan - Six Years recommended
    Du Maurier, Daphne - Rebecca
    Du Maurier, Daphne - The House on the Strand
    Dunant, Sarah - Transgressions (recommended)
    Dick, Philip K - A Scanner Darkly

    Faber, Michael - The Crimson petal and the White recommended

    Foster, Richard - Celebration of Discipline

    Gaarder, Jostein - Sophie's World

    Green, John - Turtles All the Way Down recommended

    Greene, Grahame - Brighton Rock
    Greene, Grahame - The Third Man & The Fallen Idol
    Haugen, Gary (IJM) - Just Courage
    Highsmith, Patricia - The Talented Mr Ripley
    Hinton, Susan- Rumble Fish
    Hodgson, Burnett Frances - The Secret Garden
    Hodkin, Michelle -The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
    Humphries, Alistair - Microadventures recommended

    Jerome, Jerome K - My Life and Times

    Jefferson Farjeon, J - Mystery in White recommended

    Kasasian, M.R.C. - The Mangle Street Murders recommended (read by Emma Gregory)

    Krauss, Nicole - Man walks into a Room recommended
    Koontz, Dean - The Mask
    Koontz, Dean - From The Corner Of His Eye
    Koontz, Dean - False Memory

    Lennox, John - God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?

    Lennox, John - Seven Days that Divide the World.

    London, Jack - White Fang

    Mandel, John - Station Eleven recommended

    Marion, Issac - Warm Bodies recommended
    McKinley, Robin - Sunshine
    Mercer, Jeremy - Books, Baguettes & Bedbugs
    Mitchell, Margaret - Gone With the Wind
    Moran, Caitlin - How to be a Woman recommended

    Moss, Sarah - Night Waking recommended
    Moyes, Jojo - Me Before You
    Moyes, Jojo - The Last Letter From Your Lover recommended
    Neville, Adam - Apartment 16

    Semple, Maria - Where'd you go Bernadette - recommended
    Phillips, Caryl - A Distant Shore (recommended)
    Pargeter, Edith - The Heaven Tree

    Penny, Stef - The Tenderness of Wolves recommended
    Rayner, Jay - The Oyster House Siege

    Sachar, Louis - There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom - recommended

    Taylor, Jodie - Just One Damned Thing After Another - recommended

    Tolkein - LOTR 

    Tremayne, S.K - The Ice Twins recommended

    Trueman, Terry - Stuck in neutral
    Trigell, Jonathan - Boy A

    Wheatley, Dennis - The Haunting of Toby Jugg

    Winter, Tom - Lost and Found recommended
    Wyndham, John - The Kraken awakes
    Watson, S J - Before I go to sleep
    Ruiz Zafon, Carlos - The Shadow Of The Wind
    Ruiz Zafon, Carlos - The Angel's Game
    Ryan, Carrie - The Forest Of Hands & Teeth
    Wroblewski, David - The story of Edgar Sawtelle

    Zevin, Gabrielle - The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry recommended

  6. Unread books on the bookshelf:

    Acquired pre 2011

    1. Minnette Walters - The shape of snakes
    2. Logic - A very short introduction
    3. Wilkie Collins The Woman in White
    4. Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales (modern translation)
    5. The French Lieutenant's woman
    6. The Essential tales of Chekhov
    7. A Winter's tale
    8. Othello
    9. The Merchant of Venice
    10. Julius Caesar
    11. Twelfth night
    12. Collected works of Tennyson

    Begin year size: 12
    End year size: 11

    Acquired 2011

    1. Clean Code - Robert Martin
    2. Blodwen Jones a'r aderyn prin - Bethan Gwenas (a novel for welsh learners)


    Begin year size: 2
    End year size: 

    Acquired 2013:


    1. The Four Loves - C S Lewis
    2. Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan
    3. The Trial - Franz Kafka (audio)


    Begin year size: 3
    End year size: 


    Acquired 2014:


    1. Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings - Edited by David Chalmers
    2. Godric - Frederick Buechner


    Begin year size: 2
    End year size: 


    Books acquired 2015:


    1. Ian Rankin - Watchmen
    2. Susan Hill - The Various Haunts of Men
    3. Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities
    4. JoJo Moyes - The Girl You Left Behind
    5. The Road Less Traveled

    6. Philosophy of Science. A very short introduction.


    Begin year size: 6

    End year size: 4

    Books acquired 2016:


    1. Nomad - Alan Partridge
    2. Nocturnal Animals -



    Begin year size: 2

    End year size: 0


    Books acquired 2017:


    1. The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
    2. C J Sansom : Dark Fire
    3. Joanne Harris - Five quarters of the orange
    4. Val McDermid - Beneath the Bleeding
    5. Robert Goddard - Take No Farewell
    6. Steve Coogan - Easily Distracted
    7. Sarah Millican - How to be Champion
    8. Ronnie Corbett - High Hopes


    End year size: 6


    Total Begin year size: 21

    Max size:
    Min size:
    Current Size:
    End year size:

  7. Previous logs:






    The Various Haunts of Men - Susan Hill

    Silence - Shusaku Endo

    Revelation for Everyone - N.T.Wright

    Nocturnal Animals - Austin Wright
    Nomad - Alan Partridge

    The French Leuitenant's Woman - John Fowles

    A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy of Science

    1984 - George Orwell

    The Gargoyle - Andrew Davidson

    Easily Distracted - Steve Coogan

    Currently reading:

    The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold

    Sarah Millican - How to be Champion


  8. Thanks Sari.


    Well failry early on in the book I found one of the scenes a bit over the top. I think it was one where they were:


    in the gymnasium and someone was singled out for having been raped and having an abortion and everyone was made to chant "it's her fault, it's her fault". The scene just made me wonder if the book was going to completely lack any subtlety while making its point.


    However the book was so well written, and this was the only alarm bell, so after reading it I think overall it worked well.


    I mean, it was a very strange book, but I did enjoy reading it.

  9. Thank you lau_lou.


    Well I really enjoyed The Handmaid's tale. It was a strange little story but beautifully written, and even though not a great deal happens in it, it was a very engaging read.


    I've just started The Various Haunts of Men by Susan Hill. So far so good!

  10. My mojo is definitely picking up!


    I really enjoyed Spectacles by Sue Perkins. It's a quick easy read and really had me laughing out loud throughout. It was also rather poignant in places. She writes as she speaks and you can just imagine her talking as you're reading. She comes across as a very warm person full of humour and she comes from a humorous family. I loved the cheese story! Definitely recommend this.


    I'm now reading The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I'm enjoying so far, with a few reservations which I'll save for later, but we'll see how it pans out.

  11. Interesting. I remember seeing a one off drama last Christmas with that name by Charlie Brooker. It was about the future. It was really good but quite dark. Have they made it into a series now?

  12. Feeling a lot better. I still have little appetite for fiction but I have at least read a few books, all on theology or christian spirituality, which seems to be what I do have an appetite for at the moment!


    The Pursuit of God - A W Tozer

    Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster

    Simply Christian - Tom Wright

  13. Any cross stitchers still out there?


    I've just bought a cross stitch kit, it's 8ins by 8ins and the lady in hobbycraft advised me to get an embroidery hoop a bit smaller thant the design. When I put the (rather stiff) fabric in the hoop however it left a nasty ring indentation so I'm worried about that now. Is it essential to have a hoop or frame or something, or can it be done without?

  14. Well my reading has been rubbish this year. I did finish the Robin Hobb and then started The Beach by Alex Garland (a re-read) but somehow my heart just isn't in it. It's been a bit of a stressy up and down year for me so far, and that hasn't helped my reading, but well, at least life's not boring!  :wacko:


    Yup just checked - that's two books I've read and we're in July. Awesome  :roll:


     Thank you for your kind words! And oh dear, you've gone and mentioned The Girl in a Swing :D The thing is, I bought it from the library for very little money and fully intended to read it. Then I had to move, and gave away a lot of books, and TGiaS was one of those books. Then I found another copy of it at some library for free, and snatched that one. And then I had to move again... But I can't remember whether I kept the copy this time, or whether I gave that one away as well :blush: I should look for it! I do want to read the book some day... I've heard interesting things about it. 


    Aw that's a shame. Well I hope you manage to get to it one day. I loved it :)


    Congratulations on the new job! That sounds totally awesome, especially the bit about going to Spain!!


    Happy reading Frankie :)

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