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Book Wyrm
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Posts posted by ~Andrea~

  1. Finally finished Dracula. It has a very gripping ending. Really enjoyed it although the third quarter of the novel dragged a little for me.


    Next - Anne of Green Gables. Looking forward to this one. I'm hoping it's going to be light, cheerful and uplifting.

  2. Has anyone actually received their book yet? It's ten days now and not a peep... Is this book being sent from Outer Mongolia or something?


    I hope the six weeks starts from when you get the book, and not when you were allocated it, as at this rate I'll have about three days to read and review it! :D


    No I haven't got mine either. Don't worry it's six weeks from when you get it as far as I remember :eek2:

  3. I get dark spots on my window-grown basil, too, and I attribute them to a combination of lack of real sunshine and too much water.


    The dark spots have been less of a problem lately, it was only when I first had it really. You may be right, since I don't water it much (only when its really drooping) and its in quite a sunny position.

  4. Today when I was in Tesco I couldn't resist picking up the following two books (both novels by celebrity authors)


    Murder Most Fab - Julian Clary. This seems to be the "confessions of a celebrity light entertainer" who got where he is today by means of murder. I read the first couple of paragraphs and it looks well written and funny. I would consider buying it.


    Crystal - Katie Price. Yes she has written a novel! I was quite surprised and picked it thinking, well let's give it a chance and not pre-judge. Oh my, it is very badly written. The first two pages are full of cliched, amateurish 'telling' style writing. It annoys me that because someone is a celeb they can get published when I bet there are much better novels out there unpublished because the writer, even though more talented, is unknown.

  5. I have made the very brave decision to tackle Stephen King - The Stand and at a mammouth 1,325 pages long it is definately a Doorstep as well!


    I may be reading this for a while! :)


    I'm looking forward to reading this some day. Trouble is I can't decide whether to go for the abridged or unabridged. I think the abridged is 800 odd pages.


    I'll be interested to know how you get on.

    Good luck!

  6. Yea. The opening is very strong though isn't it. Maybe that's the problem, you just can't sustain that kind of pace and drama for an entire novel. I am hoping it will pick up again though.


    Finished Carmilla (7/10). Very enjoyable. Much less scary than dracula, creepy more than horrifying. I will save my thoughts for the reading circle thread I think.

  7. Spag bol? Many pasta dishes are fairly simple and straight forward. Some stir fried vegetables (Onions, mushrooms, peppers etc) bung in a bit of pesto, add a side salad for example.


    I agree, buffet/salad type dinners are always good in this weather and for guests who can pick and choose what they like. Cold meats and cheeses with salady bits, pate and bread etc

  8. Dracula has started to drag a little I'm sorry to say. I think I have lost a little momentum what with not having the opportunity to read much at various points over the past week. So yesterday I started Carmilla. Its a very enjoyable, light and quick little story. I am about half way through and seems to be just the job while I'm in my Dracula slump.

  9. Still very concerned about mine.


    Ooh I wouldn't mind yours Judy, I'd be quite interested to read Kierkegaard. I think he's the father of existentialist thinking, but from a non athiest perspective, where later existentialist thought tends to be more atheistic. (I think, so don't quote me on that :))


    Mine is "Selected Writings" which could be any of 5 works of that title! It it turns out to be one I'm not interested in I might be tempted to do a swap with you (not sure you would prefer any of my options to yours though)

  10. Yay a response to my sad little lonely post :)


    Hmm, interesting. I think they might be spider mites and I think you may be right. A quick google search seems to confirm. I'm not sure about introducing more bugs into my house though :lol:


    Maybe I will just but my parsley in bunches from the supermarket in future!

  11. The Man who was Thursday by G K Chesterton. A very unusual book, a kind of surreal spy thriller. It contains some excellent imagery. Its a wonderful book but very strange, mixed feelings about the ending too. I will definitely buy it to re-read one day.

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