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Status Updates posted by Inver

  1. I did enjoy Midwives as much as I did Bethany, I just meant that I always leave my reading until I go to bed and then I'm to tired to stay awake......lol. Not that I was falling asleep because it didn't hold my interest. I left a review in my readers list thingy and I gave a thumbs up.

  2. OK, except mine is arriving from Scotland....:lol: You seem to be whizzing through books at the moment !

  3. Anything through the letter box yet!

  4. I'm good thanks. That is the main problem with this site.....ADDICTIVE....lol. You don't get anything else done...lol

  5. Hi there...just passing by and s aying hello. How are you settling in?

  6. Inver

    Have a lovely birthday Adam.

  7. Inver

    That Santa should not appear until December Sue....lol

  8. Not what you call an active memeber then...lol. I am on here every day checking in. I haven't been on RISI in ages. I'm a bit non active on there. not even sure what books I still have on there! As you say sunny/rainy here but today we have the sunny although hubby did have to scrape the car windows before he left this morning. Whatever have to Red deer forum thingy?

  9. Hi...it's me. How are you.

  10. Thanks Laura but I can sign in OK and don't get that message!

  11. Why would the date on my computer affect uploading photos into an album!

  12. Yes saying hello....and yes this site does cost you a lot in pennies for books....lol. Hope you are enjoying the site.

  13. Inver

    That is good Kate. Was worried it had got lost in the delayed postal strike mail. Hoping you are enjoying married life. Are you still off.

  14. :sign0072: to you. Hope you have a lovely day.
  15. Inver

    Did 'Daughters' book arrive back OK Kate!

  16. Inver

    :sign0072: Have a good one. You celebrate our anniversary date today too (we are Silver)
  17. Inver

    Hi there, just to say I posted your book today 'bookring ~ Daughters'

  18. Midwives ~ I am enjoying it but have this feeling that I have actually read it, or if I haven't have read something similar. I will finish it though even if I have. Amazing that is was actually written by a guy too, don't you think.

  19. Just passing by to say hello.

  20. Loving the avatar Sedge....lol

  21. Hope you have a lovely birthday.

  22. Night night on here too....lol. I see you have the book that is with us for reading at the moment, in your profile piccie. Inkheart, think Kenny is going to read it first. Bye

  23. You did it then....changed your name. At least it isn't as daft as the guy in the news changing his to Mr Motherwell Football Club!!! What a numptie

  24. Inver

    :sign0072: Lots of birthday wishes to you Sue....have a lovley day.:D
  25. :sign0072:May I be the first to wish you a :sign0072: Shame school has to get in the way.

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