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Status Updates posted by Icecream

  1. Thanks Rennie. Hope you are well. x

  2. Thanks Tiger. Great news about your aunt.

  3. Thanks. Although, I noticed after I put the pic up that I am holding a glass of wine and a baby at the same time! It was taken at a birthday party though. Your pets are very cute.

  4. Thanks. They were both very good. Katie is learning that she can have plenty of attention without playing up. I'm not havig such a bad evening so I feel better. Hope you are well. x

  5. That's OK Louise. I have probably missed a few since the changes on the forum. I will have to take more of the calander. I had a good day thanks.

  6. Yes I would like it. Sorry about that, I got an email saying my inbox was full. It isn't something I have had time to really look at. I shall go and sort it out now, and then I'll send you my address.

  7. Your pics are beautiful. It looks like a lovely place.

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