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Status Updates posted by Tiger

  1. Hi Laura! Stewie's my avatar, Smudge is my profile picture. They're 8 weeks old :) You ok?

  2. Tiger

    Aaw, your cat looks like my Stewie! :devcat: Hope you're well. :)

  3. Wow, Philip's very clever! Well done to Philip. :)


    Hope you're well!

  4. Hungry......... teacakes! :D Love the avatar.

  5. Good, good. :) I'm fine thanks. Stewie scratched me though! (aimed for his catnip, kind of missed) ;)

  6. Hello Laura, how are you? :D

  7. Belated Happy Anniversary! :party: Hope you had a lovely holiday :)

  8. Yes, of course you can call me Sam! ;) U OK?

  9. :yes: Understatement! Good luck at high school. :)
  10. Ah cool! Hampton Court is unbelieveable, both in its beauty and its massiveness.

    Bit depressed, goin back to school (noooooooo!) in 10 days. How about you? I HATE school! :hissyfit:

  11. Aaw poor you! :friends3:

  12. Good! :) Yeah I'm fine thank you. They're not awake yet, lazy things :D

  13. That's OK. :friends0: You OK?

  14. Hi Laramie! :006: How are you? Nice and bright :) Unlike our weather :irked:

  15. Thanks Val. I like the look of Paris- I've never been there, I've been to Calais though, but not for some time! Yeah, I suppose Kent is quite magical- we've got Deal, Walmer, Dover, Leeds, Hever and many other castles here, my favourite in the whole country is Hampton Court Palace in London.


    Do you have any castles near you?

  16. No. I hate school. :no::lol: At least it's only for half a day though. :)

  17. Aaw, I'm sorry :friends0: Your cat sounds cute. And yes, they're cute but a load of menace already :lol:

  18. Thanks Stephanie. That's Smudge, my avatar is Stewie, I've only had them since Sunday, already up to no good :lol: I like dogs as well- what was his name?

  19. I love Stewie as well (I did even before we met the kittens)- so naughty! LOL- did you see the 'last piece of pie in the fridge' episode? :lol:


    Anyway, when do you go back to you-know-where? I've got less than a fortnight left :( I hate the end of the holidays.

  20. Hi Steph! :006: I used to have a friend called Stephanie, so whenever I see your name I can't help but smile :D


    Anyway, nice to see you settling in well! :welcomebcf:

  21. Hi Loopy! They're settling well, thanks, sleeping at the moment. Stewie (my avatar pussycat) has given me about six scratches on one finger, and one of them (I think it's Smudge) has bitten his bed:lol: So how are you?

  22. You'd like Kent then (the region where I live)- I think we've got the most castles in the UK. My real name's Samantha :blush: I prefer your name. :)

  23. I love your new avatar- otters are one of my faves :D

  24. Ah cool! The last time I went to the cinema was to see Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging at the beginning of the holidays. I might be going to Dover Castle later on in the day, and so far no rain :D

  25. Not a lot- went to a little woodland zoo with my grandparents. And you?

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