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Status Updates posted by Kell

  1. Kell

    Yes they did - I finish in two weeks time - hurrah! :) (Officially I finish in 3 weeks, but I have a week of holiday tagged onto the end of it so I get home earlier - I'll be a SAHM before Xander's 1st birthday!)

  2. Kell

    Please see the forum rules regarding promotion of books. Thank you.

  3. :welcome: to the forum, Shell! :)
  4. Kell

    Happy birthday!

  5. Happy birthday!

  6. Have a great birthday! :)

  7. Thank you for my birthday wishes. :)

  8. Kell

    Cleaning and tidying an ongoin project - LOL! Getting mightily exhausted these days though - the time MUST be getting close now!

  9. It is indeed - I've got my copy winging its way to me soon (I hope) - I've been reading the comments in the reading cricle and it's been intriguing me!


    Xander is definitely getting big now (although he's still only just above the 25th centile, so he's just little really - LOL!). I can hardly believe he'll be 9 months old on 24th June!

  10. Kell

    Happy birthday!

  11. Kell

    Happy birthday!

  12. Kell

    Thanks, Mac - very well thanks. Had a lovely birthday. Hope you're well too. :)

  13. Doing good but seeming to get busier with every passing day - LOL! VERY glad to have you back again - we've all missed you heaps!

  14. Please note, I only accept friendship requests from active members of the forum with whom I have had the chance to actually make friends.

  15. Officially we have 5 weeks as of yesterday, but we're convinced we don't have quite that long - it's all feeling very close. We're "nesting"at the moment - the kitchen is currently being gutted - all cupboards emptied, cleaned, sorted and rearranged - it's amazing the amount of stuff we're chucking out! And Tadpole seems to think that kicking me mecilessly is helping in some way - LOL!


    And we DID miss you heaps - the place ain't the same without you around!

  16. I'm so sorry to hear of your sad news. You and your family are in my thoughts. *hugs*

  17. Kell

    Did you really build that snow Tortoro?! Awesome!

  18. Kell

    Lovin' your avatar and profile pics. :)

  19. Kell

    We have a few to transfer over from Xmas but haven't had a chance yet - will do soon though!

  20. Kell

    It was lovely to see you again too. :) Nice to chat cross stitch, books and babies. ;)

  21. Hope you had a lovely anniversary! :)

  22. Crikey, it's been almost a year since you were here, mate! I knew it was a long time, but I didn't realise quite HOW long! Hope you're well and happy, whatever you're doing. :)

  23. I don't mind at all. Yes, I was an actor for a long, long time. I was on the stage from being almost 3 years old. I started with dancing, then added acting and singing. I studied drama at college and was a founder member of a theatre company (Majik Men Theatre Co) which we ran for just over 6 years before it folded.

  24. I gave up the acting shortly before I got together with my hubby. I had been on the stage for 20+ years and was sick of all the moving around all the time. Add that to a really lousy memory (which made learning lines a real chore) et voila! I continued with the singing (both solo and in bands) and dancing for a while, but eventually I stopped that too.


    I don't realy miss the acting at all now. I did a little in the beginning, but overall I know I made the right decision as I've been happier since I jacked it all in. Funny, isn't it? So many people would say acting was a dream job - I was actually starting to be able to make a comfortable living from it, but it was making me miserable in the end.


    We did loads of different kinds of shows - musicals, dance shows, Shakespeare, drama, comedy, panto - you name it, we did it!

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