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Status Updates posted by Kell

  1. I have also removed a 5th advert for your book from a post. If there are any more made, you will be banned.

  2. Kell

    Tell your hubby to start with Under the Eagle - it's the first one in the Simon Scarrow Romans series. And they're excellent by the way - they only made it to the BC shelf because I had duplicates!

  3. Kell

    THank you! We certainly think so. :)

  4. Kell

    Hi Ben - fine, thanks for asking. He's walking now and kicking a ball whenever he gets a chance - LOL! :)

  5. I thought you'd like it (and appreciate it, going by your post mentioning you'e trying to appreciate yourself a little more). I was so inspired by it that I filled an entire post-it pad with little messages to keep in my handbag and post about town whenever I'm out and about. :)

  6. Just wanted to say, "You're BEAUTIFUL!"

    Please go and visit www. operationbeautiful. com (take out the spaces)

  7. Kell

    Happy birthday! :)

  8. I had a bizarre dream last night - I was reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and a man stoppd to ask if I was enjoying it and it turned out to be you - LOL!

  9. Hope you're having a great birthday! :)

  10. Kell

    Full of clothes shops - you know, the type that go up to about a size 10 and cost 10 times more than they need to. I won't be going there very often. :(

  11. Kell

    Yes i went on opening day and was severely disappointed. :( The so-called "speciality threads" section has, wait for it, DMC, Anchor and bargain multipacks. No silks, no Madeira! The Mill Hill beads weren't even in numerical order, so it took AGES to find the four that I wanted. They've got some nice colours in the aida, but not much in te way of evenweave and nothing realy bonny or unusual (no hand-dyed or anything special like that). And they onbly have one kind of tapestry needles. I wanted John James Petites, but they only had ordinary John James needles and not much selection of sizes. :( It'll be fine as an emergency supplies place, but the flosses were 79p each and I can get them for half hat price online with free postage, so I'll just be getting 9% of my supplies online as I already do.

  12. Kell

    Have a great birthday, Adam! :)

  13. Happy birthday! :)

  14. Kell

    Hope you had a lovely anniversary! :)

  15. So sorry to hear of your family's loss. Thinking of you and yours and sending big hugs your way. :(

  16. Hope you're having a smashing day! :)

  17. Haooy birthday! :)

  18. Don't be silly - no need to apologise! It's not like I'm short of reading material anyway - LOL! THe anticipation is half the fun. ;) Try and have a stress-free week and just send the book when you have time to send it - no need to rush. :)

  19. Kell

    Happy birthday, Beef! :)

  20. Kell

    Happy Silver Wedding Anniversary! :)

  21. Kell

    Thanks for that, but I'll wait till Xmas - I wouldn't want to spoil a gift that I know someone will be getting for me. ;)

  22. Happy birthday!

  23. Kell

    Happy birthday! :)

  24. Kell

    Happy birthday! :)

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