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Freewheeling Andy

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Everything posted by Freewheeling Andy

  1. I'm good. I've been reading the Ackroyd book, on and off, for about 8 years now, I think. It's been in four different houses with me, and I'm less than 400 pages in.
  2. I think if you struggle with Empire of the Sun, you would probably struggle with the rest of his work, which is more hallucinatory; more inclined to push reality to its limits. Ballard, by the way, was probably the author who did most to drag me out of my SF reading teens and more into the mainstream. He was SF in his own way, but his books were always more interesting, deeper, and more concerned with the very near future and extrapolation of modern society, than most SF was. And I found it more fascinating that modern life was being examined in these weird ways than I found reading space-opera stuff. The focus on what would happen if weird-stuff occurred in modern suburban Britain made for a very interesting kind of SF, designed to subvert apparently very ordinary communities. It's why the lead characters, the ring-leader types, were so often fairly mundane home-counties professionals who got elevated somehow, sometimes entirely unwillingly like the pilot in The Unlimited Dream Company who becomes a demi-god in a small area of Shepperton. The fetishising/emblematising of certain things, whether it's celebrity like Marylin Monroe or Ronald Reagan; or nuclear testing; or the gated communities of southern France and Spain; or motor vehicles and car crashes; I find reflects the concerns of society by pushing them way beyond their limits. Something that no other author I really know has managed to do. It's that which I would think should be "Ballardian", rather than decaying space-era rockets, empty swimming pools and broken sunglasses.
  3. That's right, Michelle. As it happens, my top Childrens' books are mostly ones I read as a child, and generally the ones that have stuck with me are classics, the same as the lists above. As someone (Michael Morpurgo, perhaps?) on the radio this morning, ask the next set of Childrens' laureates and you'd certainly get Potter and Pullman included, but none of the current lot had read them as kids, so don't have that warm, lovely association with them that I have with books I read as a child. A sort of nostalgia feeling. Incidentally, if I could think of a particular Blyton book or Biggles book, rather than of them as a large coherent whole, I'd probably have slipped one of them in into my lists. But they all merge into each other and as such no single one of them is really stuck in my mind.
  4. Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss The House At Pooh Corner by AA Milne How Tom Beat Captain Najork and his Hired Sportsmen by Russel Hoban and Quentin Blake James and the Giant Peach by Roahd Dahl Treasure Islands by RL Stevenson
  5. Now, having been properly abusive earlier on, I will come out sort of in defense of the original proposition. Because, frankly, there are some pretty awful authors who have big big egos. And they may think that their "proper" book ought to have a prologue. When strucuturally the prologue is no different to a Chapter One. And it would certainly serve editors and publishers well to tell these people to get a grip and learn to write properly. Also, knowing what publishers are like, they might see people saying "I always read the prologue" and think of it as a focus group question and therefore think that Books With Prologues Are Liked By The Public so they should put one in every book. As a counter to that, certain books do require a prologue, where it's genuinely not a chapter one. A good example in my recent reading is Brideshead Revisited, where the substance of the book explains the feelings the narrator has for Brideshead, starting from his arrival at Oxford in the 1920s; but it only works because the scene had been set in "present day" war-time and he finds himself arriving to be barracked at Brideshead which brings on the reminiscence. It would be ludicrous to not read that Prologue; or to ask Waugh to rewrite the book without. It would ruin the purpose and structure of the book, and the prologue is clearly not a "chapter one". But I would definitely caution against authors and publishers including prologues without good reason.
  6. Thanks for your comments, rwemad. I'm glad I'm not the only one who objects to Austenesque nonsense. Anyway, I've now finished Junot Diaz's The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao, and frankly I haven't the slightest clue what all the fuss is about. How did it win a Pulitzer, I wonder? It's geek central with all the (occasionally) obscure references to fantasy books which leave those of us unfamiliar in the dark. Maybe 15% is in Spanish, just random Spanish phrases thrown in, which adds another layer of lack of understanding. There are long footnotes galore on the history of the Dominican Republic, which would be fairly interesting on their own but don't belong in a novel. The structure is by someone desperate to be Philip Roth; the style by someone desperate to be Mr Cool; the result is actually pretty rubbish. Underwhelming. The only really worthwhile stuff is the link to Dominican history, but you get that better in Vargas Llosa's Feast Of The Goat. Meh. Right now I'm once again back on Ackroyd's Biography Of London, but will probably only last about 2 more pages before I buy something else less dull.
  7. It may only be of interest to a Ballard obsessive like me, but there's a very good piece by Simon Reynolds here http://www.salon.com/books/feature/2009/04/23/ballard/index.html about the great man, and his influence, and his style. There are a couple of things I have issues with in all the writing about Ballard I've seen in recent days, mind you. I think it's lazy journalism to go over the Joy Division/Comsat Angels music link. And I think it's pretty lazy journalism to do the "Hey! He had an adjective!" line, too. I'm also of the impression he had much more of an influence on British literature than some suggest, as he was at the forefront of that desire to sabotage and subvert comfortable middle-class England with shocking images transposed into that environment - a precursor, really, to the Martin Amis and particular Will Selfs.
  8. Empire of the Sun is a brilliant book. But it's one of those odd books which despite being brilliant is very different from the rest of the oeuvre of the author (a bit like, say, Norwegian Wood). It might give people a slightly odd impression of what the rest of his writing was like. That said, the breakdown of society in a closed compound, and how it reorders and restructures itself, and the emergecnce of authority figures and peoples' desires to fall in behind those authority figures and go along with their weird suggestions or orders, which does feature in Empire of the Sun, features across lots of other novels, too.
  9. It plays with the idea of people getting aroused by car crashes, by the impact of destruction and technology. Fascinating and deeply disturbing. In the autobiog he talks about how he set up an exhibition in relation to it, of crashed cars, and had topless models serving drinks; and of the astonishing reaction it had, of people either getting physically violent, or, even more oddly, getting it on. He was focussed on the psychological implications of the modern world and how people interacted and dealt with it. Utterly fascinating. Crash is the novel that focuses on sex-and-car-crashes. Very graphic and violent, and not for the faint-hearted.
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8007331.stm In some ways, I think he was possibly Britain's greatest post-war author. He didn't focus too hard on character, and was certainly not a traditionalist, which is why he never won the prizes. The fact he started writing for SF magazines, and the focus on sex and the breakdown of society, on trying to sabotage the conventions of dreary post-war Britain (either within his books, like the plane crash in Shepperton leading to the creation of a god who transformed the suburban landscape in The Unlimited Dream Company; or by using his books/stories with something like The Atrocity Exhibition or Crash to shock) probably led to him not being adopted by the mainstream. But it was precisely this visionary stuff - seeing the sexual implications of car crashes; or picturing the hell of modern living and how people get isolated and how easy it is for society to break down, in books like High Rise or Cocaine Nights - that made him so brilliant. All of it, it seems, informed by his childhood spent in hyperactive pre-War Shanghai and in the Japanese camp; and by his shock at how dreadful the Britain he returned to was in comparison. The autobiography, which I read recently, is fascinating and brilliant and explains the central thesis to his work well, and how much of it comes from that early experience. I'm sure there's an empty swimming pool with some broken sunglasses at the bottom and a 1950s nuclear bomber flying overhead, today.
  11. Hahaha! If anyone was being rude, and being told off for being rude, it was me for being prescriptive about what people should read, and being rude about what others' suggested. I'm right, of course, because I always am. But I wasn't exactly sticking to the spirit of the thread.
  12. Ha. I'll press the reply button and see where it crops up this time.


    You're not the only one in on a Saturday night, although here I'm preparing to cook for 10 tomorrow and look after the GF's sister who's visiting from the US for the first time.


    Nothing wrong with Italian food and Italian wine. Although I still don't really understand Italian wine. Just know that I like it.

  13. Actually, I sometimes don't bother reading the last 20 pages because all the worthwhile stuff has already happened. All the characters are already developed. I don't know why anyone bothers, I really don't.
  14. I never read Chapter 4. I feel it's a waste, and redundant. It's after the scene-setting and before the finale, so why would I bother? Eh? Huh? Think on!
  15. Of course I read prologues. What a weird, weird question. Very odd indeed. A prologue is, by definition, part of a book. An introduction written by someone other than the author is another matter, because that is meta-information about the book. The prologue is a fundamental part of it.
  16. Well, there are different things, I think. List my favourite books List books I think people would enjoy most List books people should read I'd come up with completely different lists for each. Clearly there are no rules, but it's a surprising list to me looking at the title of the thread. And no, there's nothing wrong with reading for entertainment. But it seems to me to not be something I would say someone "should" read.
  17. Hi there. Thanks for the friend request thingy. All is good. You?

  18. Not wanting to be rude, but "Everybody should read" Harry Potter, Twilight and Jodi Picoult? Really? They might be peoples' favourite books, but I'm hard pressed to believe everybody should read them, that there's any merit beyond entertainment...
  19. Of course, the risk with going for something too adventure/page-turner-ish in a reading circle group is that, even if the book is easy to read and fun, quite a lot of adventure books don't actually have a lot to discuss outside the literal stuff of the plot.
  20. I'm only about 50 pages in, but it's fascinating stuff if you're a foodie and interested in the science of it. So far it's very much focussed on individual dishes and how received law might be wrong or right, but explaining why. The other great science-of-food book is Harold McGee's On Food And Cooking, which explains in much more detail the science of food.
  21. Yeah. Given that I'm one of the people who strongly argues that modernism defines a different form to the classic novel, I think it would be slightly unfair of me to want Hasek and Kafka and Bulgakov should be in the classic reading circle. Going to pre-1914, I think the "Eastern European" would be much more narrowed down to Russian. Another regional one, that might be more popular, would be American, or even American adventure, books. Stuff like White Fang by Jack London, Moby Dick (of course) or perhaps better Billy Budd by Herman Melville, some Mark Twain (if we're steering clear of Moby Dick, steer clear of the obvious Twain, too, and go for something like A Tramp Abroad or A Connecticut Yankee...), if you're feeling brave you could include some Henry James or Thoreau. Or maybe slightly less heavy with The Red Badge Of Courage by Stephen Crane.
  22. Well, I'd have thought WWI was more obvious - although it would take out Schweijk, Margarita and Kafka from my list.
  23. My personal taste, for a book I'm going to be discussing, would be to have something a bit meatier. For all that I love reading Childrens Classics, there's only so much you can say about them.
  24. Probably in terms of the amount of time I spend reading, it's probably equal between fiction and non-fiction; I do, though, find fiction easier - plot and narrative drive make it much easier to obsessively read an entire book quickly. So I read lots more novels than non-fiction books. My current non-fiction read is Molecular Gastronomy by Herve This. Most of the non-fiction I read is travel writing, or area-specific history.
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