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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. loved the Philip Pullman books, and I actually enjoyed the exploration of religion, as opposed to belief. I am a believer with no religion, as I have not found an organised religion that fits with what I have come to believe, (I come from a Baptist/Jewish heritage - very confusing!) and didn't find it disturbed my beliefs very much at all, I found it intriguing and it made me think more about belief and what it means to me, which is a good thing I think! The books are many layered and I can re read them and find things I missed before, which is always worthwhile. Debbie
  2. If you read fantasy at all, you must read Robin Hobb. She is the best and no other fantasy authors compare. So far she has written 3 trilogies set in the same world. The first one is the Assassin Trilogy, featuring the 'hero' Fitz from a child of 6 to a young man. The second one is the Liveship Traders trilogy, not featuring Fitz but mentioning his part of the world, and with one common character. Finally there is the Tawny Man trilogy, again featuring Fitz as a grown man in his 30s or 40s. They are just fantastic. The characterisation is beyond belief, all the characters are complicated and well rounded - a character can be really cruel and evil, yet she still enables you to have compassion for them, and best of all she doesnt' treat you as an idiot but leaves you to work things out for yourself. She has just written the first of a new trilogy, set in a different world. I have it but have not read it yet as I am reading Harry Potter. Debbie
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