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Status Updates posted by Michelle

  1. When you start a new thread about a new book, we do ask that you provide more information, and your own thoughts or review. If you only have brief comments, you might find it easier to start your own book list / blog.

  2. Where did my week off go? Back to work tomorrow. :(

    1. Genevieve


      Bonjour Michelle,

      It has been a very long time,oui, since I have had the privelege of being here. And voila, I come back and it is all so streamlined and very hip, I like it! Well done , you have worked very hard it is obvious and I am delighted with the results. Have a happy day.

  3. Wish I didn't have to work.. have some good books waiting at home!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bobblybear


      I know the feeling.....then you start thinking of your retirement age, and it's even more depressing

    3. pontalba


      Believe me, retirement is a wonderful thing! :D

    4. vodkafan


      Always the way...

  4. Wishing you a happy birthday.

  5. Wishing you a happy birthday.

  6. Wishing you a wonderful birthday xx

  7. Wishing you all a book-filled 2013!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chaliepud


      Happy new book year Michellle x

    3. bobblybear
    4. Lilywhite


      Happy New Year Michelle! Here's to many more books :D

  8. Wishing you all a wonderful 2016!

    1. Nollaig


      Many happy returns Michelle x

    2. Inver


      and to you and your family Michelle.x

  9. Work again! :(

    1. Charm


      not be long now til you're off for a bit! Hey I just noticed you're Mum's a member here, guess you'll have to behave now eh? lol

  10. Work in the morning :(

  11. wow - that was far quicker than I could have managed! Good job, and thank you!

  12. Wrapping pressies!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pickle


      I mangle mine together normally I am the worlds worst present wrapper..hope yours goes well


    3. Michelle


      Mine aren't the prettiest things ever, but it'll do!


    4. Inver


      I must make a start on mine too

  13. Yeah! Very nice to finally see you! :D

  14. Yep, I'm around all week. (Mon is a BH, so Glen's off, but I think he's at work the rest of the week.) What did you have in mind?

  15. yep, that's much better.. thank you! :D

  16. Yes, I did get it, but I've been at work, then doing all that 'family stuff' since being home.. please bear with me, and I'll get to it! :)

  17. Yes, I don't see a problem with that.

  18. Yes, I have your address saved.. and it's nice to bring you a little piece of nice news. :)

  19. Yes. It's in the 'It's happening" thread.

  20. You appear to be promoting the books you publish - please do not do this.

  21. You appear to have posted 11 very short posts, so that you are able to add your promotional signature. I'm removing these for the time being, until you show yourself to be a regular, active member. Thank you for your understanding.

  22. you could have had it bigger than that! :D

  23. You didn't set your profile to have your birthday show! :) Hope you're having a great day.

  24. You generally need a specific program to resize a photo. The one you posted was pretty big. Can I recommend tinypic.com.. you upload your original photo, then in the drop down box, choose a size. It will then provide you with a link, so you can show the resized photo. Please choose 'Website/Email' or 'Message Board' for the size.

  25. You have already been asked not to post this. I'm putting you on moderation - please read the RULES.

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