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  1. Hi everyone, I have read so many books over the years and there is a few I just can't remember the name of. There is one I remember vividly. An Aunt and Uncle is auctioning off the family home. The niece is very upset about this and doesn't want them to do it. On the day of the auction the uncle is standing on the stage and the niece runs on to the stage to try and stop him auctioning the house. I think she gets in a bit of a tussle with him and he falls off the stage and bangs his head on a rock suffering a severe head injury. She ends up getting arrested but released on bail. One bit I really remember is she tries to visit him in the hospital but the aunt is there. She tries to hide from the Aunt. A line from the story I remember is Aunt ...... never does what you want her to do and comes through the door of the corridor I was hiding in. It was something like that. I think the uncle dies. I can't really remember much else. I know it's not a lot to go on. I read it in 1999, think I was about eleven, twelve. Any help would be much appreciated.
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