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Everything posted by Albas

  1. Albas


    Thank you all The most impressive book I've read recently is Dangerous lives of altar boys by Chris Fuhrman, the only novel he wrote. In general I like books that talk about youth and strangeness, or that simply stress the importance of feelings, because I like to look at the characters of a book as to normal people with their good and bad qualities, as in real life, with their absurdities. I swear I didn't know this song existed xD
  2. Albas


    Good evening! I am writing you from my little city near Milan, in Italy. I thought it could be a good idea to improve my English by talking with people about interests we have in common ( and of course, if someone wanted to learn something about Italian I could help him). Maybe I should add something else about me - I'm a student at a human-sciences high school (is there such a stuff in England?) but there are much more things I'm interested in. However, I've noticed that I easily lose interest in them, so they hardly become "passions". I think I could apply this to books, but for some reason after short periods I always take up reading again. I'm looking for some activities - like reading books together - which will eventually make easier and funnier reading, especially concerning books in English, of which I've read few. Well, what else can I say? Sorry if I make some mistakes or repeat many times the same words, but my knowledge of English lexicon isn't that good. I hope I'll have a good time together with you
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