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Drift Dean

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Everything posted by Drift Dean

  1. Hello Chesil! Yep, that is the series. Ah-oh, sounds like it wasn't enough to keep you. Might have to keep that one on the backburner for myself as well LOL. Thank you Chesil!
  2. Indeed, Game of Thrones are some of the lengthiest books I've ever put eyes to. When your reading over a 1,000 pages, patience is definitely involved when the story slows. I'm really wanting to get into the House of Night series, but first I must finish the last book in my saga, catch up on Thrones, then I hope to get to that series. Anyone have any feedback about the HON saga?
  3. Now it make sense LOL. I was wondering what I had did wrong already. Thank you for the warm welcome Frankie and Athena. I didn't think about that fact that authors probably hammer forums like these. The market is getting so watered down. Anyway, to answer your question Frankie, as a 38 year old man, I proudly proclaim that I really liked the Twilight Saga LOL. I know, I know, its overplayed a bit now, but IDC, I liked it. A bit too mushy for us men-folk, but still I confess, I was sucked in with it many years ago. You know, when it comes to non-fiction, I'm very selective and shamefully admit I don't reach for the non too much, but that would definitely not bleed into my writing I think. With reading and writing fiction, I've been guilty in the past of reading something while writing too and found myself using certain words in certain formats similar as the author of the fiction book I last read. So, I learned to pause until I finish a series. Then I go back. It makes for me being a slow reader, but I want to keep my ideas as original as I can. Hi Athena! I actually prefer #4 thus far over #3. A friend down the road from me prefers #3,like you, over #4. We had an in depth discussion about that the other day. I have to admit though, I'm guilty of the TV series getting me into the books. I'd always eyeballed the saga but never took a moment to check it out. The series locked me in, so now I'm playing catch up with the readers of this series LOL. I know, I committed a reading sin, getting to the books after the TV series started LOL. The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings have been my favorite saga of all time. I have read those books over and over again since I was a child. Something about those novels just captivate me and every time I read them it's as if it's the first time. Takes me back to when I was a kid lying on my bed in my room just engrossed in that story. There's a nostalgia for me about that. Hopefully I did a little better this time on the rules LOL. I love forums like this so I can chat about reading likes. Much better than FB or Twitter. More personal. I will also admit, as a writer, I study readers such as yourselves, in order to get a better hold on what readers outside of myself are truly passionate about. Your conversations with me and amongst yourselves helps me to become a better writer. Helps me to learn.
  4. Hi Michelle and Inver. Great to meet you! I received a warning and I guess I'm not clear as to why. Just trying to learn this forum right now. Also trying to get a profile pic up, but can't get it to size yet. Well, currently I'm involved in book 4 of the Game of Thrones series. I'm a huge Lord of The Rings fan, Harry Potter, and yes, even as a guy lol, I've read the Twilight series. I've peeked into the House of Night and Fallen series as well but haven't gotten deep into them yet. You? While I'm writing though, I refuse to read others books because I feel someone else's voice has a tendency to bleed into my writing. So right now, I'm on hold as I right the final book in the Drift saga.
  5. Just dropping in to say hello! Just joined this forum today and am navigating around to figure it out. My name is Michael Dean. I am a published author through Limitless Publishing. I have released 3 of 5 books in my YA saga titled Drift (Drift, Arise, Burn) with the fourth due out this spring. Looking forward to getting to know this site and the people in it!
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