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woolf woolf

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Posts posted by woolf woolf

  1. I don't know if I'm breaking any rules with this, but the film "Rebecca" by Alfred Hitchcock is based on this book and is absolutely marvellous, for me one of his finest. The protagonists are Joan Fontaine and Laurence Olivier, two iconic actors. The main downside is that the film is in black and white and from the forties, so not for everyone. Also, it must be different from the book, because in literature one explores the characters thoughts and introversions and in cinema you can only guess what they're thinking while remaining focused in the next scene. As a fan of both the film and "Wuthering Heights", I'm now intrigued with this book.

  2. Thank you, AbielleRose.


    I agree. I think there is potential in games but the story telling in them has a long way to go but they are getting better. Planescape Torment and Bioshock are two great examples of good stories told in a mature way. 


    I really liked "Bioshock", it's one of my favourites. The concept of an underwater city is wondrous; a society closed to the outside world and inhabited by the brightest minds, whose scientific endeavours and freedom from religious and ideological constraint eventually backfired. If I recall correctly, we as a player don't explore so much a narrative, but the context; it's more like the city is the protagonist, and we cruise through its remnants and history while searching for a way out. And the game is really beautiful, with attention to detail and a unique visual identity. I'm yet to play "Bioshock Infinite", but I find it endearing that the developers couldn't resist to return to Rapture in the downloadable content. I never played "Planescape Torment", but I heard good things about it.

  3. I've recently read "Dear Life", a collection of short-stories from 2012. I really enjoyed it. The stories are about mundane moments, nostalgic memories, and life as being something brief, that in retrospective has less weight or importance than in the given moment. I found it reassuring, because people can be bound and even troubled for choosing the wrong persons or the wrong way. This book kind of says that everything'll be alright, not in a sense that everything can be surpassed, but that at least I feel a terrible pressure about studies, work, family, friends and the book tells so many stories with bad moments that turned alright. Many of those moments weren't that bad, it's just how I perceive them and how I feel that the world would fall if I provoked them. But it's not the end of the world, it's just life. I don't know if it's something that comes with age, but I felt refreshed to look at life through a different prism.

  4. Thank you, everyone.


    I loved Crime and Punishment, and I've tried to read Ulysses a couple of times, but only managed a few chapters  :blush2: .


    You managed to read more than me, I just gave up because I searched for the meaning of almost all the words in the first page. About "Crime and Punishment" what do you think of the protagonist (avoiding spoilers)?


    P.S. What kind of video games do you play?


    I play them on consoles. My favourites are "Shadow of Colossus" and "Super Mario Galaxy". Nowadays I play "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim", it's breathtaking to fight a dragon. What kind of video games do you play?


    I think it's an amazing medium with a lot of potential, but the developers and the public don't yet make or appreciate serious narratives; it must be because the medium is still young, or perhaps I'm playing the wrong games.

  5. I'm nearly at the end of The West Wing, for the third time; I think it would be a good series to do a new version of now, using current world events to shape it, but it would have to be largely with new characters - you couldn't bring back CJ, Toby, Josh, Donna, Charlie et all.  Sam for president?


    I've recently seen a really good danish series called "Borgen" and in the trailer a quote mentions it's a mix of "The Killing" with "The West Wing"; but I've never seen the latter, so I don't know.

  6. Hello, everyone; my name is Sousa and I'm twenty years-old. I read a lot of books as a child (my mother would drop me in the library all afternoon and bought me plenty of books), but then I gained other interests and only read a handful of books during my secondary school years. I've recently reacquired my taste in reading, so I thought it would be great to join a books forum. I really enjoyed this one, I already read a few topics and you seem very friendly. English isn't my native language, so I'm expecting quite a few errors from my part; it will be cool because writing here will also serve as practice; I won't mind if you don't resist to correct me, I would even appreciate it x) My favourite books are "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens and "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky; I've really identified with the protagonists, especially Raskolnikov, and these books were important because they thaught me some things that are still changing who I am, and I felt quite moved by their stories. I've also tried "Ulysses" and "Hamlet", but gave up because I wasn't yet ready for them. My other hobbies are wandering through town, watching movies and playing videogames. Well, I guess that's it, thank you for reading.

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