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Posts posted by Felidae

  1. Well I LOVED the alternative worlds, being sick of our own little crowded world these days. It's more the world building than the actual plot I loved, so if you think a book is good to read just for that then go ahead. Plot-wise, well I didn't like the Lobsang storyline. But I mean.. travelling to other worlds as easily as flicking a switch.. ohh. <3

  2. ^Yeah Ash doesn't sound like anything creepy to me.


    I am shocked, haunted and creeped out be scenes like the homeless man/doggy scene in American Psycho. And then so much that it stopped me reading, swore never to finish the book. The film was good enough but no more of that book for me. Human malice is THE thing that makes me sick, and I don't like books with too much of that.

  3. Have tried several times to read this, the first few books I adore.. and about the fourth book or so, just can't seem to get past. The characters seem to stay the same, and it seems pointless to read on. Maybe I will just read the summary of that book one day and start with the next book.. I have a couple of pretty hardbacks of the 8th/9/th/10th book sitting on my shelve that I bought secondhand for three euros each or so, would be a shame to never read them. My tastes have changed as well, rarely read pure fantasy anymore. Then again I notice my sci-fi reading is getting dull to (same as I had with fantasy) so maybe I'll switch back. ;)

  4. I just found out that the Terry Pratchett/Stephen Baxter series of the Long Earth isn't a trilogy but there will be five books in the series, the fourth coming out this summer. The Long Utopia! Yay! Book 1 was fantastic, book 2 okay, book 3 horribly boring so I hope book 4 will not continue where it was going but will be smashingly good again. The first book kept me thinking for weeks! Fourth book will be out this summer..

  5. Bit of everything really.. sunday huh? Had some ham, small one (500gr), first pan fried it and then put it into the oven with whatever veggies i had, meant garlic, onions and carrot. Some bread to put the ham on and a bit bowl of iceberg lettuce with feta cheese and croutons. Nomnom.

  6. Sheesh, well I am back! Been having some eye trouble the last weeks again, haven't been able to read or go online for longer than ten minutes. Out of despair started on audiobooks (Stephen Fry's Harry Potter, love em but rather read myself).. november I got a little splinter in my eye with doing some home improvement, doc removed that and was fine after, but a month after that it acted up again and guess was not gone, then in hospital the eye doc scraped a bit off my cornea. Ouch! Lots of pain after. Then after a while my eye was fine again, the suddenly out of the blue my eye acted up again, back to eye doc and that little wound on my cornea had opened up again. Again, scraping off, lotsa pain, eye bandage for some days. Pff .After almost two weeks I am finally able to do a bit more and the wound on my cornea has healed up almost completely. Still salving 5 times a day.


    So, no reading for me the past weeks, there goes my plan to read more hehe. The audiobooks were nice but not completely my thing. Anyway, let's hope it keeps on healing. :)


    What's happening? February makes me long for spring, plus some warmer days and longer light have me thinking spring is near. There are some spring flowers coming up too.. and I want to do some gardening! Hehe.. for the last years I have been sowing some veggies and fruits, in a few weeks I'm allowed to again. ;) Ordered some beans (green beans and erm, pods? peas but eaten while they're still flat), squash, radish seeds today, can't sow them for a while yet but love to have everything in so I can plan when to do what.

    Tomatoes, peppers, chili's, ground cherries, some herbs. Love it.


    Anyone else excited fro spring? Hehe, I do hate winter!

  7. The original Stargate I like a lot, Atlantis never pulled me in.... and Universe... well, while SGU is to SG1 as Enterprise is to The Next Generation (read as, a drama-based 'alternative' shadow of its ancestor).... SGU did pull me in. Largely with Robert Carlyle, I'll admit, but yeah. I'd like to find out how it all ended. I did really enjoy it.

     I like all three Stargates, but Atlantis least of all, felt too comical, or attempt at anyway. Too many annoying characters. However, I'd love to have a look around that city myself. ;)

    But I loved Enterprise as well, all new Star Treks (Deep Space nine a little less) but Enterprise is my fav, TNG a good second.

    But SGU.. <3 And yes, Robert Carlyle was a definite plus, unlikeable as his character can be at times, he's always a plus.

  8. Hehe, don;t know why it does that either. Is actually brother's tablet but he doesn't use it so heck.. don't do much surfing on my laptop anymore but is annoying the tablet rarely lets me post, just don't get the cursor thingie into the typing spot.. *sigh*

  9. Hah, finally am abjle to reply, the windows surface tablet usually wont let me post here, weird thing.

    But when scanning your books with the app i think it automatically picks the right edition. Try it, just look for scan. ;)

  10. Heya there, southern neighhbour! Where in Belgium are you? I'm from the Netherlands, not very much up north ;)


    And us from the Benelux (on this fprum then) loooove the UK. Got an ex in Southampton, loved going there and to London. <3.


    Hyperion, great books, honestly have not read past the first two of the series, don't know why not, hehe..


    Are youfrom the  Dutch or French part of Belgium by the way?

  11. Well fellow Dutchy, I see we do have a lot in common! Book taste (you read more varied things than I do), music taste, some sci fi in films.. ;) And heck, I even have an English ex-boyfriend (he still lives in Southampton though).


    You being a fantasy lover, have you ever been to a Fantasy Fair, or Castlefest? Maybe the Fantasy Fair in september in Arcen, Limburg? That's not fair, there's quite a lot to do about fantasy books etc as well there..

  12. Hmm I use "want to read" as books I want to read some day, not as books I own and want to read.. There are many books I want to read but don't own (yet). Might take years for me to gt around to them but it's a nice way of having a list to simply add books to that seem interesting.

    As for you that add books to goodreads that you physically own, as in real books not ebooks, do you guys know you can scan the barcode/isbn code with the camera on your smartphone and that the app looks em up and adds them? Revelation for me hehe, didnt have a smartphone till like three years ago and didnt find out about the app till about one year back. No more adding books by hand, yay!

  13. Ah! Haven't seen the Christmas special yet I realize now, way late hehe. But that's because it's not shown here on telly, and though I can watch it without subtitles I prefer to do so with, because it takes me half the episode to get used to the accents so I miss a lot. My english is great, british accents make it a bit harder to understand though. But yay, more Who to watch!


    Peter Capaldi.. I like him ok enough, he'll never beat Matt Smith as my fav Doc but maybe it's nice to have a bit more seriousness instead of silliness. Although I didn't like a lot of the episodes, some were just boring. Am rewatching the series atm, have just gotten to where Clara shows up so soon I'll be watching the Capaldi episodes for the second time. Then I can judge em better.

  14. Finished Arthur C. Clarke's The City and the Stars today, I liked it! The beginning was a bit how I not like my sci fi books hehe, too abstract because of all the use of far future technology in daily life, but it got better or I got used to it. ;) Was actually my second attempt at this book, even though it's a short one last time I didn't get through it. I liked how it showed the very far future of mankind, millions of years from now. I didn't like it being quite flat in characters.. didn't get to care for them and they seemed very low in emotion. Haven't given book reviews in a while so have to get used to talking about them in english again. ;)

    All in all, I liked.


    Two other books are on my "currently reading" list as well though I am pretty sure I won't finish one of them. Spider Light by Sarah Rayne, it's not scary, I don't care about the characters and I don't really care what happens next. So blah I think it's one of the few books that I'll abandon halfway.

    The other is Earth Star by Janet Edwards. Loved the first book, very simplistic yet entertaining YA. This second book is less fun, as usual. I'll probably continue with that one though.

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