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Everything posted by ViktorH

  1. Thank you for the response. The link posted by Janet was the only similar product I could find that already exists - I definitely agree about the image. The manuscript style would look more something like this. http://erinsingleton.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/illuminated-manuscript-1.jpg I think this would vary from book to book - but I would definitely would not only have simple "New Times Roman" text on a blank white background. It would be possible to incorporate the covers into the text - or form images in the text itself using spacing and indents. You are right about the licensing as well - for this reason, I would probably only have access to public domain works - until I am able to approach the larger publishing companies for any sort of hope of getting a licensing agreement. I'm still trying to find out if there is a market for them - I'm glad you found it interesting. Viktor
  2. Hello, I was wondering if I could get some input on an idea that's been simmering in my head for quite some time. I am thinking of starting a small business called "book quilts". The idea is to create bed quilts that have class novels printed to cover the entire surface of the quilt. I first came across the idea after a classmate of mine started a company called Postertext - where a novels content is used to form an entire poster. Then I came across Spinlessbooks - more or less the same premise as Postertexts except that the entire novel is used each other - resulting in some rather large posters. In the meanwhile, I purchased a cheap bed quilt here for the coming winter that happened to be covered in random letters of the alphabet. This got me to thinking - if an entire classic novel can fit on a larger poster, it maybe be possible to have it printed on bed quilts as well. I would just like to get some opinions on the idea. I have the feeling this adds to the bedtime reading atmosphere - literally wrapping yourself up in a favourite book of yours. Please let me know what you think. I know there may be issues with printing that small (and legibly) on a quilt, but strictly speaking about the idea - what do you think? I think it would be really cool to have a Hobbit one.
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