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Everything posted by Rachel56789

  1. I agree. Do you have a favorite Lotr character?
  2. Wasps and bees flying around your food Telemarketing/political calls When people let the door slam on you. Spiders in your closet Justin Bieber (I don't get that so many Tweens think he's talented) When you like a certain song and someone says, you like that? That song is overplayed/too old. When you're trying to watch a movie and people say that they'll watch it with you and then just end up talking the entire time. I hate that *eye roll* Anyway, I have more "What really bugs you?" moments, but these are just a few of them.
  3. I have a lot of favorites but The Lord of the Rings is definitely in there Still can't believe I read it, (the longest book I've ever read ) it was worth it though. The movies are great as well. I'm getting pretty excited about the upcoming Hobbit movies and I hope they do the book justice.
  4. I would bring back: California Dreams, Full House, I love 90's shows.
  5. I had cinnamon toast crunch cereal and a ham and cheese wrap for breakfast.
  6. Thanks Can you please tell me how I can upload my profile picture?
  7. Of course, there is some romance out there that can get overly corny or predictable too. I guess for me it just depends on the book.
  8. I love pets, dogs especially. I own a male Yorkshire Terrier named Max. He's four years old and going to turn five on November 30th. I used to own a previous dog, a male miniature sheltie but for personal reasons we had to give him away. I wanted a second dog for a long time, so I went online and did some research on what breed would work best not only for me but the rest of my family. I narrowed it down to three options: a yorkie, a poodle, and a Jack Russel. I ended up choosing a Yorkie because they're a hypoallergenic breed, and they originated in one of my favorite countries (England). Max was given to me on my fifteenth birthday, after we celebrated with cake, my parents walked in with a cardboard box and he was inside it. I pretty much raised him from puppyhood to adulthood. At first, I did want a female Yorkie, but everywhere we looked the prices were just too sky high, and most breeders that we talked to refused to go down. Finally we met this breeder who was willing to cut down a little bit, and that's how my parents picked Max out. I'm happy regardless, a teacup female Yorkie probably wouldn't have been as active as a male. Plus, there's the issue of small Yorkies getting sick too easily.
  9. I love baking. I love to bake cake, cookies, and bread especially. My mom and I made some pumpkin bread on September 22nd to celebrate Hobbit day (Lord of the Rings fans like me will know what I'm talking about), and to ring in Fall. I love Christmas because I get to bake cookies with my family, it's a tradition we started ever since my older siblings were little.
  10. My favorite food is pizza, I especially like pepperoni pizza.
  11. So sorry if there's already a topic like this. But, I wanted to ask everyone on here, what are some book series that you enjoy, that others don't necessarily get excited over, or understand, but you happen to like them? In other words, discuss underrated book series in this thread. Talk about why you love them even if others don't. One underrated series that I love is the Redwall series by Brian Jacques.
  12. What I love about YA: Well, for one thing, YA books just hold my attention better. I like how the characters and plots seem better developed in YA than in regular adult fiction. And yes, I know I'm going to turn 20 this February and YA is still my reading weakness. I HAVE given some adult books a try (most notably the Jodi Picoult series), and had to end up giving those away because I thought they focused on too much of the boring stuff like court cases, the main character's sex life, etc. Bottom line: YA just keeps me interested more. I especially love YA books where characters set out on a good adventure. In fact my book shelf mainly consists of YA and teen. Note: this is only my opinion on this.
  13. I love the Redwall series, they're an enjoyable read. I like the fact that the characters are animals and the books might be inconsistent in plot in some places, but the good character development and the enticing descriptions make up for it. Just wish that the t.v series would have been a little more accurate to the series.
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