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Signor Finzione

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Everything posted by Signor Finzione

  1. Thanks Gaia! It definitely sounds like something I'll love. I did! And it was awesome - we didn't have to queue for ANYTHING! It was forecast thunderstorms for the day, so maybe that's why not a lot of people went, but we went on LOADS of rides because the queue time was 0 minutes for all of them. What's your favourite ride? Would you believe they cost me absolutely nothing? Normally they charge a tenner per photo, but I'd got the tickets from Groupon; it was £52 for two tickets, and each ticket came with a free digital download of one picture. So we actually got a pretty great deal.
  2. Awesome, thanks! I think the only reason I originally bought it was because it had a recommendation by SE on the front. Can't wait to read it. Very interesting! I remember going to America a few years ago and asking for chips with my meal. They gave me a plate of crisps, and I was like, wha??
  3. Beautiful kitty!! Our cats are weird. They lie in the sink.
  4. Me neither! I always just copy and paste my pictures directly into the post, which is probably why they're all HUGE.
  5. Absolutely nothing to do with books, but me and my sister went to Alton Towers today. Here are the pictures we got from two of the rides. And in book-related news, I've been informed that I'll soon be receiving a review copy of When the Heavens Fall by Marc Turner, after I not-so-subtly hinted on Twitter that I wanted to read it.
  6. Cheesy gravy chips are pretty common here up North. I think they're rank, but then I don't like chips. How annoying about the Bakker book. Would you recommend the first trilogy? I have The Darkness that Comes Before on my TBR.
  7. This is amazing! I recorded it but have yet to watch it.
  8. I'm a recent convert to Taylor Swift too. I only used to like the song 22 too, but recently I've been listening to a bunch of her stuff on Youtube and was amazed at how much of it I'd heard (and liked) before without even realising it was her. And I too am addicted to Shake it Off.
  9. I have the first Drizzt trilogy but have only ever read Homeland. I quite enjoyed it, like you, but wasn't sure if I liked it enough to read the others. I do intend to go back to it, though, so I can always send them to you when I've finished them. From what I remember, I agree that it's not as claustrophobic-feeling as one would expect, although I attributed that to the fact that it's told from a Drow's perspective and he'd be more or less used to the enclosed space. I was definitely a bit disappointed with their foray into the tunnels (is it called the Underdark? Or is that just NWN?) - it was distinctly less terrifying than expected.
  10. Dunno if this was for me or Tim, but when I watched the film with my husband, he got up off the sofa at the end and shouted 'that's BULLSH*T!' Don't think he was impressed.
  11. This sounds great Michelle. I don't often read YA but I might just have to get hold of this one!
  12. Gosh, Tim, how dare you have a life outside of books?! What sort of things have you been up to? Glad you've been relatively enjoying your reading. I've never read Life of Pi but LOVED the film.
  13. My apologies! This has now been rectified. That's exactly what I thought!
  14. Great haul! I have the first two books in C.S. Friedman's Magister trilogy but haven't read them yet. Hope you enjoy all your books! (I'm surprised the library has any left.)
  15. So I've been on a few random excursions this week and have somehow managed to purchase the following books: Some were from The Works and others were from charity shops. In total all 9 books came to £11.
  16. I could tell you who dies at the end . . . would that be a spoiler?
  17. You're one classy lady, Kylie. I've never tried the polenta or the brownie (and will make sure to leave the popcorn well alone if I ever do! ), but the tiramisu is gorgeous and the home-made cola is scrumptious.
  18. Gaia, your dogs are gorgeous! The waggy-tailed one is adorable, and the fluffy one is just so, well, fluffy. Also, your home is beautiful.
  19. Yeah, he actually looks surprisingly normal, doesn't he? Let's combine the imagined long hair with the real life Hugo Weaving . . . and call him Elrond! Bear in mind I don't always wear pyjamas and go about with a Kenneth Williams expression on my face. What did you expect me to look like?
  20. I posted this in Gaia's thread last week and we came to the conclusion that we really must try and read some of his books soon. (Especially since I accidentally bought two more yesterday when I saw them going cheap in The Works. ) Apparently it's based on the second book of the original trilogy rather than the first . . . have you read it?
  21. Ahh, Chalie, those are two gorgeous little beasties you have there!! Loved the sneaky toilet joke too.
  22. There aren't even any spoilers! I don't think there are, anyway.
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