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Everything posted by LachrimaeAtropine

  1. My name is Elizabeth and I'm 24 years old. I live in Kentucky (Louisville, to be precise). I have a BA in psychology and did two minors in English with a concentration in literature and Medieval Studies. I studied French for 5 years and have experience with Japanese, German, and Latin. One of my dreams is to translate Medieval Latin and French manuscripts. The other is to eventually become an archaeologist. Currently, I work with toddlers as a teacher in a daycare. It's not exactly my dream job, or the best use of my degree, but it works for now. I am going back to school in August to work towards a degree in education so that I can become a third grade teacher. I also plan on doing another major in either microbiology or anthropology. I do enjoy some aspects of my job such as being able to teach my children and the joy that I receive when they finally catch on to what I've taught them. I also enjoy the smiles, hugs, and kisses that I get from my kids when I come to work in the mornings. I am an avid reader and have been since I was a child. I generally read anything except westerns, romance, and inspirational/Christian books. I quite enjoy horror, fantasy, historical fiction, and mysteries. I have also gotten into the Quirk classics recently. Right now, I am reading Android Karenina. Classic literature is another favorite of mine with Edgar Allan Poe, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, HP Lovecraft, Victor Hugo, and Gaston LeRoux being among my favorites. I look forward to making new friends and taking part in book discussions. -Elizabeth
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