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Status Updates posted by Virginia

  1. Sitting in three hospital with chest pains. No heart attack just pain.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Inver


      hope things have improved for you..x

    3. Echo


      Feel better!

    4. Virginia


      Thank you. I feel a bit better except for having to wear the monitor.

  2. I am a college graduate!!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Virginia


      Thanks, poppy!


    3. Older Fish

      Older Fish

      Now you can never become the president of the US

    4. Weave


      Sorry I am so late, congratulations Virginia xx

  3. It happened. My brother in law died tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kidsmum


      Sorry to hear of your loss Virginia, sending hugs X

    3. Little Pixie

      Little Pixie

      Sorry to hear your sad news.

    4. Virginia


      Thank you all.

  4. Just when I thought I didn't get it, I got it!! I'm working at Barnes and Noble!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Virginia


      Hide yer hens!!

    3. dtrpath27


      What a great surprise! Congratulations! :D

    4. Kidsmum


      Good for you. Congrats Virginia :)

  5. R. I. P. Robin Williams, you will be missed. You have given me great memories and much laughter. I'm so sorry that you felt so alone...

  6. I was wondering. Has anyone heard from AbielleRose (Abby)? I miss her!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Virginia


      Please let her know I asked about her!


    3. Janet
    4. Virginia


      Thanks Janet!


  7. Got a gig writing articles on raising grandchildren, on a local magazine!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Virginia


      Thank you Chrissy!

    3. vodkafan


      Good luck! Need any tips?

    4. frankie


      That's great, Virginia, congratulations!! :)

  8. So excited, I start work on Friday @ Barnes & Noble!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ben


      So jealous.

    3. poppyshake


      Brilliant job! Good luck Virginia xx

    4. Virginia


      Thanks all! It went great!

  9. Trying not to feel lonely. Hubby left for his new job. I'll see him next weekend but I miss him already :-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Athena


      Awww :(. I hope you can find some fun things to do while he's away, and it'll be great to see him again after having missed him. I completely understand though!

    3. Virginia


      Thanks for the encouragement. Things are just so topsy turvy right now. I'd love to get lost in a good book but I've got so much packing to do, the grands are in and out, still trying to find a new place...sigh. I did call my job and told them I just couldn't finsih the last two days. At least that's one less thing to worry about.

    4. Eleonora


      Oh Virginia, I can only send you hugs!!

  10. Start back at Barnes and Noble in about 1.5 weeks! I won't get a lot of hours yet but thats okay, it gets me out of the house and I can use the extra cash PLUS its only a few miles from here!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vodkafan


      That's great! Is it a different shop or the same one?

    3. Virginia


      It's the same one but on a smaller scale and for that I am very grateful!!

    4. vodkafan


      ? You mean the building has shrunk?

  11. The board has been really quiet. Are y'all sleeping off the election celebrations or mourning in your cups?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Virginia


      I'm hearing the clouds, lol!!

    3. Inver


      I t hought it was a wee bit quiet too....but I'm still here

    4. Athena


      I don't feel it's been more quiet this week than in previous weeks, but I do think it's quieter than maybe a couple of months ago. If you have any ideas how to make this better, feel free to tell us :).

  12. Another trip to the hospital. I wont complain. At least I'm 6 feet above and not six feet under.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Athena


      I hope you'll be okay, Virginia.

    3. Chrissy


      You gotta stop these trips Virginia! And make sure you stay above ground. Big hugs. X


    4. Virginia


      Thanks for the good wishes y'all! I'm still breathing! Tomorrow is the stress test, yippy. Got checked for a blood clot (really fun!) I'm still 6 feet over instead of under so I'm a happy camper :-) and YES, no more trips to the hospital for me!


  13. A grown woman with hiccups. While at work. Ugh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Janet


      Me too! I don't suppose she was doing it on purpose. :)

    3. Virginia


      lol! I was the woman with the hiccups! And nope I wasn't doing it on purpose but it was annoying ME on purpose ;-)

    4. Janet


      Oh haha - I thought it was a bit harsh! :D

  14. Got it over with. I voted! Now if only I could turn the interweb off till 11/8!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chrissy


      Perhaps a short mini hibernation? A thick duvet, a selection of books, and refreshments!

    3. Virginia


      And wine. LOTS OF WINE!!! I think being inebriated is the only way to get thru thru this nightmare. woolf- the only one I CLOUD vote for, Clinton.

    4. Older Fish

      Older Fish

      I wish your great nation the strength to get through the next four years.

  15. We found our new home and will be moving in a few weeks, just waiting on the check from hubby's job (for moving expenses) to arrive so we can hand it over!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Virginia


      Yes, it really is! As we move our our daughter's family will be moving in our old house. Its getting busy!


    3. Athena


      Congratulations and good luck :)!

    4. poppyshake


      Yes good luck Virginia xx Hope all goes well :)

  16. Nothing says "fall" like a new pair of warm, fuzzy slippers. Just sayin'

    1. Athena


      That's true! I hope they'll be comfy :).

    2. Chrissy


      I have been wearing my alpaca wool socks and my possum socks. My feet definitely feel autumnal!

    3. Virginia


      That just sounds so cozy....I feel the need to nap!

  17. That feeling you get when you get a great recommendation for a book and no matter where you look, it can't be found. Ugh.

    1. woolf woolf

      woolf woolf

      Have you tried bookdepository.com?

    2. Hayley


      Oh dear :(, what was the book?

    3. Virginia


      It's called "Loving" by Henry Green. Good news! My library is ordering it for me!!

  18. I've been sidetracked by a big bowl of popcorn.

    1. Chrissy


      Easily done!

    2. Hayley


      As I scrolled down I read that as 'I've been attacked by a big bowl of popcorn'. I think I need a nap XD

    3. Virginia


      Well, it WAS a big bowl and my arm DID seem to sink in it up to my elbows!! Chrissy, for me, its just something about popcorn. First you think it, then you MAKE it! And i have found the yummiest way to fix it. I use one of those stovetop popper with a handle to twist. I also use coconut oil, a little salt and popcorn salt and no need for butter. It taste just like the theater popcorn!


  19. Uncle Sam (the tax man) is a happy man today. Spent hours getting the blasted stuff done, only to owe almost $4k. Loverly.

    1. dtrpath27


      Oh my. We still have yet to do ours. :(

    2. Virginia


      We've NEVER put it off this late. I had a feeling that it would be ugly, lol! Well, at least its done, the worst has happened and I've got the rest of a good week ahead. They'll get when we have it to give!

    3. Athena


      :( that's quite a bit.
  20. Just realized that when I had to create a new Facebook page I failed to rejoin the BFC page. I've tried various ways to find the page to no avail. Can some one help me out?

  21. I signed up for the Amazon kindle library 30 day trail!

    1. Athena


      Exciting! I hope you like it :).

    2. Athena


      How do you like it?

  22. Gaia has been M.I.A for a couple of days. Anyone heard from her?

    1. Athena


      The last time I read and posted on the forum was Friday afternoon, so one and a half days ago. I'm okay, I'm resting a bit and spending some time with my boyfriend and family.

    2. Virginia


      Glad troop knew you're OK! Enjoy yourself : -)

  23. We seem to have a bird in our backyard that is part zombie OR it's working 3rd shift.

    1. Inver


      lol...have you found out what it is yet


    2. Virginia


      Not a clue! He's been quiet lately. Maybe he went on vacation? I'm going to enjoy it while I can, lol!

  24. Sitting here watching people "pull" instead of "push." The door says "push." No matter the IQ we still can't open the door! lmbo!!

    1. chaliepud


      Haha that's normally me!


    2. Little Pixie
  25. The dentist did a great job on my tooth but gawd, I'm feeling the after affects of all that tugging, ugh!

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