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Jeremy Thorn and his wife, Katherine, have just welcomed the newest member of their family to the world: their beautiful son Damien. But as the boy grows, so does the terror surrounding him. Fatal accidents, suicides, and unexplained violence seem to follow the Thorns wherever they go—but why? And how can Damien have anything to do with the carnage and bloodshed? He is only a child. But Damien Thorn is like no child on Earth. He bears the mark of the beast. And his time is at hand.

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The film scared me rigid as a child but I read the book as an adult and it's not as scary now. It is, however, an interesting story and the end of the book does leave it open to a sequel (which will be why there are around five films now). There does not seem to be another book, though.


I enjoyed this, it was mostly about a politician who was persuaded to lie to his wife about the birth of their son, for (he thought) the right reasons, and this came back to haunt him - literally -  when the child was older. 



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