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The Catcher in the Rye

   (1 review)


The Catcher in Rye is the ultimate novel for disaffected youth, but it's relevant to all ages. The story is told by Holden Caulfield, a seventeen- year-old dropout who has just been kicked out of his fourth school. Throughout, Holden dissects the 'phony' aspects of society, and the 'phonies' themselves- the headmaster whose affability depends on the wealth of the parents, his roommate who scores with girls using sickly-sweet affection. Lazy in style, full of slang and swear words, it's a novel whose interest and appeal comes from its observations rather than its plot intrigues (in conventional terms, there is hardly any plot at all). Salinger's style creates an effect of conversation, it is as though Holden is speaking to you personally, as though you too have seen through the pretences of the American Dream and are growing up unable to see the point of living in, or contributing to, the society around you. Written with the clarity of a boy leaving childhood, it deals with society, love, loss, and expectations without ever falling into the clutch of a cliche

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A short novel (almost a short story) about a teenage boy who gets kicked out of school and wanders about New York for a couple of days.

Gotta say, I absolutely loved it. Holden is just very funny and I love the fact that there's no story and the book is essentially just about a boy kicking about and coming to terms with grief for his brother. It seems clear to me that he's going through some kind of PTSD and Phoebe represents the thing keeping him anchored. I love how Salinger creates fictional scenarios like when Holden talks about being a coward and then imagines how he'd like to deal with a bully but also how he'd actually deal with him. The way he goes through what he'd do in the hypothetical situation is very nicely realised.

My only criticism would be the final one-page chapter. Didn't add anything. Book should have ended with him watching Phoebe on the carousel.

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