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Posts posted by Madeleine

  1. Hi Tychi and welcome!


    I think Athena gives some very good advice, I can't concentrate if there's a lot of background noise either, although music is usually OK, but talking, TV is totally distracting.


    Have you thought of the Harry Potter books?  I think a lot of new readers start with those as the first couple of books are quite short. 


    Good luck and hope you find your reading vibe!

  2. Death wears a Mask by Ashley Weaver - second in the series set in the early 1930s in which Amory Ames and her playboy husband, Milo, find themselves caught in up in crimes involving high society, this time, the death of a young man at a masked ball (hence the title) which is at first thought to be suicide but soon turns out, of course, to be murder. Amory investigates whilst trying to keep her marriage together, as Milo is photographed in a clinch with a famous actress and she wonders how much more of his lifestyle she can take. It's a light-hearted romp but there are so many Americanisms I wonder if the author (who is American) has ever even been to England, eg cars being referred to as automobiles - I have never heard any British person refer to a car as an automobile. This does grate slightly but apart from that I like Amory and the books provide some light-hearted escapism. 7.5/10

  3. Generally we don't need air con here (thank goodness) and not that many places have it, even some smaller shops don't have it.  I don't generally find fans much help, especially in an office where they just blow the papers everywhere!  And unless you sit right next to them you don't get much benefit.

  4. Yeah from someone in London who has to cope with that heat - it stinks!  Especially when your useless train company has an endless list of excuses as to why they can't provide trains home, and you have to sit on a hot bus crawling to another station, and then cram into a crowded grossly overheated tube train which has no air con (and is sweltering even in winter) - welcome to my world!  It does seem a bit breezier today thankfully -and yes you're right in saying that the heat is OK if you don't have to work in it, although it's pretty bad at home as well, and very sticky at night, as generally we don't have air con at home like they do in hotter countries (if they can afford it of course), I think it's easier to get warm when it's cold then to keep cool when it's hot.  I would hate to live in a hot country.

  5. I think Lolita is so well known now (and has been filmed etc) that maybe it wouldn't cause such a big reaction, although I admit a man reading it might look more suspicious than a woman.  You don't say where you're based so maybe in large cities in certain areas people wouldn't react so much to someone reading Lolita - how about A Clockwork Orange which is notoriously violent (although I haven't read it myself)?  I wonder if that would cause a reaction now. 

  6. From what I've heard, they don't stint on the more graphic aspects of some of the violence especially the torture scene, but apparently it's dealt with quite sensitively (whatever that means) and there is some full frontal male nudity.  So definitely not Midsomer Murders!

  7. Had today off work which was nice, managed to take our guest dog for a walk as it was cooler, did some food shopping and had tea in the garden.  Meant to be very hot over the weekend so probably won't do much.

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