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The green thing


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5 years ago our lives were changed forever,the dreaded green issue was thrust upon us and separating waste was a way of life

Everything had a place to go , a bag , bin or box , except cardboard .

My hell had begun . :banghead:

I tried putting my cardboard in a cardboard box ,but if it rained in the night id wake up to a mess that even the bin men would leave

I put it in plastic bags ,but you needed loads of them and where ts store it all and thats the other point .

Where to keep all these boxes and things till the dustmen came :doh:

Do anyone know how to ease my concerns ? All views welcome

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We have weekly bin collections here - one week is the green bin (recyling) and the 2nd week is the normal rubbish collection (black bags). We are lucky enough to live in an area where the different kinds of waste don't have to be sorted, not that we generate an awful lot of recyling anyway, compared to some. There are only 2 of us, we rarely use pre-packaged foods and don't read newspapers (other than the local one), so it is enough for us to keep a large bag for life in the kitchen where all the recyling is stored ready for bin day. It is then simply taken outside and put in the bin. The food waste is dealt with seperately in its own bin, which again is just taken outside and emptied into the relevent bin when the kitchen one is full.

Edited by Talisman
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We have similar


we have green wheelie bin for card, paper, tins and plastic

a black wheelie bin for general rubbish

these get collected on alternate weeks

garden rubbish gets collected same week as recycling and you can have another wheelie bin for that (but you have to pay a yearly fee) or you can buy particular garden bags from local post office they wont take any old bag


and we have a little food bucket which gets collected weekly


our bins are so roomy I even take card home from work and my mum brings her recycling over to put in it too



Do you not have a collection point anywhere you can take your card to or have you tried phoning council see if they can come up with any ideas

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We have the normal Black wheelie bin which takes all general rubbish. A big blue topped wheelie bin where I can put cardboard and plastic and a black box which takes paper and tins etc..the normal wheelie bin is collected weekly or at least it will be til the end of the month and then its every two weeks, and the recycling bins are collected already every two weeks. the council also has a green topped wheelie bin which up until now you have had to pay for but as of March this year they are issuing them for free and its for garden rubbish to save us from having to go to the tip. So I am really pleased about it, the only problem is storing all 3 bins and the black box, I am lucky that although I live on a terrace we have a tiny front bit (not enough to call it a garden) where I should be able to store all of them.


there should be a central location you can take them too if you can't save them or they are turning to mush we have them at the local supermarkets in town and some of the surrounding villages have them too in local community centres. But I know its a pain to have to drive to them.

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Don't get me started on bin collections .. I'll start frothing at the mouth. Everything was fine and dandy until I moved and now I'm in an area where they only collect fortnightly .. plus they don't collect everything (NO plastic for instance) .. also I'm in a terrace so everything has to be dragged through the house .. especially nice when your bins have been outside for two weeks and bin juice is leaking everywhere. We end up going to the tip practically every week which is about fifteen mins drive away .... NOT VERY GREEN!! I've stopped putting food in the food waste caddy because it was going furry and that's just not pleasant.


We do have a blue woven bag type thing for putting cardboard in .. you have to wrestle with most of it to get it in there but at least it's something.


Sorry Charmer, that's not much help is it. I find the only solution is to lie in a darkened room with a hankie soaked in lavender pressed to my temple until I forget that such things as rubbish and bins and recycling exist.

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We have a blue bin for general recycleables, like cardboard and plastic, however we can't put bottle tops or bottle wrappers in for some reason.


We have a brown bin for garden waste (this is never hardly filled as we don't realy have a big garden so this bin isnt used hardly at all)


We have a green bin for everything else.


However, these are collected fortnightly, and this is a right pain especially in the summer. We have the same problem as Poppyshake, having to drag the bin through the house which is horrible and not so nice. Even better is the council often forget to collect the bins and we have to ring them up and get them to come back!

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Crikey all this makes my whinging about Wiltshire being crappy for bin moving and general stuff seem obsolete as compared to you all its great!!! now if only they would sort out the pot holes in the road they would be a truly great council. :smile:

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Thank you Easy reader for the advise on ringing the council ,I will do that today and see what they come up with . :smile:


I think we stuff like this if they don't have a solution and enough people phone up with the same problem then they realise that they need to find a solution, well hopefully anyway.

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Well this will shock you all. When I moved into the flat above a shop in centre of our town I was told there was no facilities for recycling. Everything goes into one bin bag just like the good old days. And then every night we go out and dump our bags in the street outside the flat and early in the morning every morning the council street cleaners take it all away. Yay!!

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We have a weekly collection - one week it's regular waste, the next it's the recycling. Our council recycles paper/card, plastic and cans. The paper/cardboard goes into a bag and the plastics and cans all get put into a black plastic box - they don't need ot be separated as the collectors do that bit. All our bins and boxes have to be out ready for collection by 7am (the earliest they come to collect it) and as my hubby is a postie, he just takes it out on his way out to work, so we don't have much of a problem with soggy cardboard and paper.

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Two big wheelie bins here, one with a blue caddy inside, the other with a red caddy inside.


Week 1 is landfill rubbish in the wheelie with cans and plastics in the red caddy.

Week 2 is garden/compostable rubbish and cardboard and paper in the blue caddy.


There is no collection for glass, so I collect all glass stuff in a bag and drop it to te recycling point when I'm next passing.

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Our council is really good. They collect recycling every week, general waste fortnightly, and garden waste and cardboard fortnightly. We have a wheelie bin for general and one for garden and cardboard. Food caddy waste goes in the outside food caddy bin and all other recycling goes in a rain-proof box with a lid. The council is great, the neihgbours however do occasionally put their rubbish in our bin which really aggravates me, :irked: especially as we had a collection refused once with a note on it because a neighbour had put drinks cartons in our bin which they don't collect.

Edited by ~Andrea~
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Fortnightly here too, week one is the black everyday rubbish bin, week two is the green recycling one (glass, paper, cardboard, plastic). Week two is also garden rubbish for which we pay an annual subscription. There is also a weekly collection for the food bin (ALL food leftovers incl bones). I don't use this one though as between my dogs and the compost heap (and the fact that we eat very little meat) there is never enough to make it worth it doing.


My only bugbear is that they collect so early, 6.20am! I think we must be the first road on the round, especially not funny on recycling week as by the noise of the glass smashing you'd think we are a road of alcoholics!!!

Edited by chaliepud
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oh yeah glass collection is noisy where I work we can hear the glass collections doing the rounds


we don't get glass re-cycled at home we put it into our normal rubbish as apparently that gets turned into road survacing now we don't put food into it anymore which I think is much better than going to land fill.

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