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Hi everyone,


I actually stumbled across this site because I was very curious about joining a "book club" online with other people because I wanted to actually wanted to be apart of some book discussion with others that are reading the same book. When I found this site I was very excited with all that one can do here so I am looking forward to being involved. I do love to read to gain some more knowledge and to expound on my vocabulary. I am in search for a new book now and one has caught my eye which is called "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova. I am all over the place with reading books. I do give authors a try but if I am dissapointed or cannot get into their style of writing then I just do not read those authors again. When I am not reading I am cross stitching and that is my huge addiction and I also go to school for dance. I only have one more year left and then I am done until I can get into a dance school in New York. Well if you want to know anything else do not hesitate to ask. :D.



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Thank you guys for the welcome.


Kylie: I cannot wait for those discussions, but I should warn you I can be a little bit of a devil's advocate - not for argument sake but for discussion purposes.


AbielleRose: Knowing others are into cross stitching is exciting. I was in the beginning and then when I got further into the "Art" of dance I stopped watching. Only because So You Think You Can Dance is to me purely entertainment and not really about the art of dance and it can be a shocker when people step into a dance room expecting it to be like the show and it is not. I do watch it from time to time and my "Art Advocate" comes flying out of me... where it comes from is a mystery at times; but I do like how the show has brought attention to dance and has inspired many people to be a dancer or to get into dance. So for that I am a fan of the show.

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