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Sally's reading list

Easy Reader

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I can think of three "that scene"'s off the top of my head so not sure which one you are referring to.

well I can think of two (it was a couple years back that I read it now) but the one I meant was the one that it all leads up to. I got caught out by the one involving his sister, wasn't expecting it and had read it before I could stop myself .. it really upset me (and on my holiday too :lol: )

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well I can think of two (it was a couple years back that I read it now) but the one I meant was the one that it all leads up to. I got caught out by the one involving his sister, wasn't expecting it and had read it before I could stop myself .. it really upset me (and on my holiday too :lol: )

No I didn't expect the one leading up to the big one at all.

I had realised quite early on that the father must have died but I didn't consider that Kevin had done it at all.

The third one was just uncomfortable to read and I think too rude to mention on here.

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No I didn't expect the one leading up to the big one at all.

I had realised quite early on that the father must have died but I didn't consider that Kevin had done it at all.

The third one was just uncomfortable to read and I think too rude to mention on here.

ahhh .. I'm with you now, yes that bit was unsettling.


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Day 11 A book you hated


Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres :Zzzz:


Do I really have to explain.


I was looking forward to reading it and then watching the film. I thought it was a romance that happened to take place in a time of war with the war not really having much to do with the book. I can't be doing with war in books. It really wasn't what I was expecting I couldn't wait to get it over and done with but it took so long to get to the end at which point I was beyond caring what happened to everyone. I have no idea why I carried on reading it I assume it was in the hope that something better would actually happen. It didn't. I haven't watched the film and I am no longer hoping to watch it either.

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Day 12 - A book you used to love but don't anymore


It has taken me all day to think of an answer for this one.


Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I first read it when I was 16 and really enjoyed it and was caught up int he romance and everything. I re-read it a couple of years ago as it was going to be televised and I wanted to recap on it before watching the tv version. I found it so boring the second time round and I couldn't even finish watching the programme of it afterwards.

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Day 13 – Your favourite writer


Not so long ago I would have said Marian Keyes without a doubt. I have read all her books apart from The Brightest Star in the Sky which I got a couple of years ago and have only got as far as something like page 60. I just can’t get into it at all so I think myself and Marian might be going our separate ways. I haven’t found anybody to replace her just yet so I will stick with her for the time being.


Day 14 – Favourite book of your favourite writer


Rachel’s Holiday – Marian Keyes. I read this one some years ago so my memory is a bit sketchy. Rachel is Irish and goes to live in America and develops a bit of an addiction and for some reason or other has to come back home to Ireland where she ends up going into rehab under the delusion that the place will be full of fallen celebrities. She is wrong. I found this book to be very well written and Rachel’s thoughts and her delusions and realisations were all well timed.


Day 15 – Favourite male character


This is a big fat cheat as he isn’t really a character but I am going to have to say Bill Bryson. I love his books and in a way he does kind of write about himself as if he is a character :giggle2: . His writing style is very friendly and funny and I have yet to read a book of his that I didn’t like.




Killing Floor – Lee Child 7/10


Hmmmm :strokes chin thoughtfully: I did enjoy this book I like the writing style and though the characters were well put together. I am not so impressed with the hero Jack Reacher’s need to murder quite as freely as he does. I found some of it quite predictable but not to the point where it spoilt my enjoyment of the book. Will I read more? Yes, I do have some of the others already so may as well read those and would as much as possible like to read them in order.


It reminded me a bit of Murder She Wrote in that Jessica Fletcher always picks up the clues as she goes along but doesn’t necessarily know what relevance they have straight away and the way she has to help the police out as they obviously haven’t a clue what to do without her.

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Day 16 – Favourite female character


It’s a difficult choice between Elizabeth Bennett – Pride and Prejudice or Hermione Granger – Harry Potter and the … But seeing as how I have already got P&P down as my favourite classic I will go for Hermione. I think basically she is everything I wanted to be when I was at school with some magic thrown in for extra measures. I probably shouldn’t say this but I always wanted to be a swat I just never had the brain power to be one. I never really read as a child but always liked the idea and would have loved to have been just like Hermione and devoured book after book and spend the majority of my free time in the library. I also love the way that Hermione is so matter of fact about things and doesn’t let things bring her down she just moves on and doesn’t care what those around her think of her.


Day 17 – Favourite quote from your favourite book


I was eight and grown. Maya Angelou, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings.


This has to be my favourite quote because so little says so much. The book is an autobiography of MA’s childhood and this sentence was used to sum up her feelings on being in court after her step father had abused her. Not only is it a short sentence but it is actually a whole paragraph. I read this book 16 years ago and I can still see these 5 words on the page. I have read many books where I thought “I must remember that” which is normally something funny but then a couple of pages later I have already forgotten it. This quote really did leave an impact on me.

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Day 13 – Your favourite writer


Not so long ago I would have said Marian Keyes without a doubt. I have read all her books apart from The Brightest Star in the Sky which I got a couple of years ago and have only got as far as something like page 60. I just can’t get into it at all so I think myself and Marian might be going our separate ways. I haven’t found anybody to replace her just yet so I will stick with her for the time being.


Day 14 – Favourite book of your favourite writer


Rachel’s Holiday – Marian Keyes. I read this one some years ago so my memory is a bit sketchy. Rachel is Irish and goes to live in America and develops a bit of an addiction and for some reason or other has to come back home to Ireland where she ends up going into rehab under the delusion that the place will be full of fallen celebrities. She is wrong. I found this book to be very well written and Rachel’s thoughts and her delusions and realisations were all well timed.

Good choice, it's my favourite Marian Keyes book too but I love all of her Walsh family books. I haven't read her more recent books .. their reviews haven't been that good. Is Marian still unwell?, I know she's been having a rough time with depression etc and haven't seen or heard much from her in a while.

Day 15 – Favourite male character

This is a big fat cheat as he isn’t really a character but I am going to have to say Bill Bryson. I love his books and in a way he does kind of write about himself as if he is a character :giggle2: . His writing style is very friendly and funny and I have yet to read a book of his that I didn’t like.

It's not really cheating is it :Dand he is such a character. I like his style too, his books are always a pleasure to read.


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Good choice, it's my favourite Marian Keyes book too but I love all of her Walsh family books. I haven't read her more recent books .. their reviews haven't been that good. Is Marian still unwell?, I know she's been having a rough time with depression etc and haven't seen or heard much from her in a while.


I don't know I have signed up to her newsletters and haven't received one in a very long time and I seem to remember the last one was very short not like her usual lenghty tomes. I am trying to remember if that last one mentioned that she was working on another book or not. Hopefully she will be back to her usual self soon :friends0:


I have just looked on her website and see that she did a newsletter last month whcih I don't remember receiving hope I haven't been deleted off the mailing list :(

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Day 18 A book that disappointed you


I would say Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres but I have already used that for A book that you hated so I will got for The Island, Victoria Hislop. I really wanted to like and just could never really get into it. Every now and again I would start thinking that it was getting better but then it was short lived. I think my main gripe with it was that it was told "looking back" I would have much prevered for it to have been written as it was acutally happening. Also there was war in the middle I don't do war. I guess in that respect if was simialr to Captian Corelli's Mandloin for me. Both books I was really looking forward to neither of them were what I was expecting and I was largely bored by them both. That said I wouldn't mind reading The Island again but with a slightly different spin on it but I shall never return to CCM.

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We read The Island at my book group, and lots of people liked the historic sections, but didn't like the modern day chapters. I liked it, and wasn't too bothered by the present day narrative, as I was so fascinated by the historical look at leprosy, which was a real revelation to me, as I thought it was a disease that died out in the Middle Ages, and found the story of the islanders absolutely compelling. Like you, however, I will never read CCM again!

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I had preconceived ideas of the book mostly being set on the island itself and more about the day to day living of the lepers so it didn’t help that it wasn’t really what I was expecting. I enjoyed the parts where Eleni was helping build the community on the island and found her relationship with her husband touching.

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19 Favourite book turned into a movie


I was going to go for Pride and Prejudice (the Matthew Macfadyen one) but looking at my books suddenly remembered Angela’s Ashes, Frank McCourt. I had put off watching the film for ages as I had assumed it would be slightly depressing hearing about one boys upbringing in poverty with a drunken father. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed the film and then read the book :D

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Day 21 – Favourite book from your childhood


I wasn’t much of a reader as a child so don’t have a long list to choose from. I did think of saying Fantastic Mr Fox as it was the first “big” book I read all by myself. And then I thought I might go for Goodnight Mr Tom as I had that read to me at school and I remember really looking forward to hearing the next installment but felt that was cheating as I didn’t read it myself. But in the end I decided to go for Boy: Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl. Again this one was read to me at school but I also got my own copy and read it again myself afterwards. Its an autobiography of Roald Dahl from his childhood years a childhood that was full of many dramas and hilarities. I can still laugh today recalling some of the stories. I am getting nostalgic about it now I might just had to add it to my wishlist :giggle: .

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Day 21 – Favourite book from your childhood


I wasn’t much of a reader as a child so don’t have a long list to choose from. I did think of saying Fantastic Mr Fox as it was the first “big” book I read all by myself. And then I thought I might go for Goodnight Mr Tom as I had that read to me at school and I remember really looking forward to hearing the next installment but felt that was cheating as I didn’t read it myself. But in the end I decided to go for Boy: Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl. Again this one was read to me at school but I also got my own copy and read it again myself afterwards. Its an autobiography of Roald Dahl from his childhood years a childhood that was full of many dramas and hilarities. I can still laugh today recalling some of the stories. I am getting nostalgic about it now I might just had to add it to my wishlist :giggle: .

I bought this recently and am looking forward to reading it even more now .. thanks Sally :D

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I enjoyed Boy too, although I don't remember a great deal of it. I read Going Solo first, about Dahl's adult years, and I found it absolutely fascinating. Have you read it?



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I enjoyed Boy too, although I don't remember a great deal of it. I read Going Solo first, about Dahl's adult years, and I found it absolutely fascinating. Have you read it?

I did read Going Solo too but I couldn't remember what it was called and I don't remember that much about the book either (I think I was too young for it at the time).


I know my sister read Boy for her bookclub and she really wasn't looking forward to it but then got Going Solo straight after reading Boy as she enjoyed it so much.

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Day 23 – A book you wanted to read for a long time but still haven’t


Well there are so many books and so little time that its hard to choose so I will go the first book that sprang to mind and that is Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor.


“Forever Amber tells the story of orphaned Amber St. Clare, who makes her way up through the ranks of 17th century English society by sleeping with and/or marrying successively richer and more important men, while keeping her love for the one man she could never have. The novel includes portrayals of Restoration fashion, politics, and public disasters, including the plague and the Great Fire of London” taken from wikipedia


I have seen many reviews on many forums all saying that although it is 976 pages long its well worth it and that it’s a gripping read. I have started to read it twice and got no further than page 3. I really want to read and I want to be gripped by it like everyone says I will be but I can’t get past page 3 and there are another 973 to go after that. Although from memory I think the first part is an introduction so I may try starting it at the next chapter and go back to the first part once I have got into it more.

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Day 24 – A book that you wish more people would’ve read


We Need to Talk About Kevin, Lionel Shriver although I should specify that I only really want more people to read it if they have the same opinion as me.


Without giving much away Kevin does a bad thing (you found out about it quite early on in the book) and the book is basically Kevin’s mother looking back over the years wondering if he turned out bad due to nature or nurture.


I read this 4 or 5 years ago and still think about it regularly that’s how big an impact it left on me. Every now and again I will read online reviews of it and there is always someone who will anger me in their review. This happened just yesterday when looking on another book forum I read “the mother was completely heartless” without meaning to be rude I have to say this person is wrong. Although the mother does say she didn’t actually want to have children she did in my opinion try her best to love Kevin and I also feel sad for her that she didn’t really get the support from those around her that she needed.


I know there is a thread on her for Kevin but I haven’t posted on it yet as I intend to re-read it before I do as I need to refresh myself on the finer details but I am pleased to see that there are no mother haters there. The general feeling seems to be that it’s a marmite book which I completely understand.

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Day 22 – Favourite book you own


Its going to have to be the Thursday Next series – not only do I like the books themselves but the covers too. I think they would make great posters and they reflect the content of the books perfectly.

Yes, yes yes!! :yahoo::clapping::yahoo:


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Day 25 – A character who you can relate to the most


I really don’t know. Obviously I wish I could say that I really relate to Thursday Next because I too have a crime fighting job that requires me to jump into books, nothing seems to phase me oh and I have a pet Dodo too. :cool: But unfortunately it would be a lie. I cannot think of anyone that I can relate too so I think I will have to pass on this one. :huh:

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Day 26 – A book that changed your opinion about something


can't think of anything I try and stay away from heavy books that require a look of thinking I tend to read to escape


Day 27 – The most surprising plot twist or ending


The Life of Pi - Yann Martel - Obviously can't say much without giving it away but the twist at the end left me not knowing if I was surprised or if I felt cheated but then I decided it kind of made reading the rest of the book worthwhile.

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Day 28 – Favourite title


hmmm tricky one. I often come across titles that I think are funny but of the ones I have read the title was the best part. I cannot think of any off the top of my head at the moment though.





The Well of Lost Plots - Jasper Fforde (3rd in the Thursday Next series)


I didn't enjoy this one as much as the second one but I think that might be either because I have read them too close together or it could be because this one suffered what I like to call too many characters syndrom. It did pick up towards the end though. I also think I wasn't paying enough attention to pick up on a lot of the jokes.

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