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Beast Quest by Adam Blade.


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Ok so I am starting early on my Xmas shopping and my 8 year old has been constantly going on about the new crazy of books for primary kids. It's called The Beast Quest series, by Adam Blade. I saw them up Tescos the other week and my son seemed messmerised. I am planning on getting some of them tonight, I looked online and they do seem to have some sort of order, and of different series.


Now the question. Does anyone know/ read them if I have to get them in order or can I buy anyone and can read it as a stand alone?


Also are these books good?

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I believe they're written by a team of people (all writing under one pseudonym, which explains why there's at least 40 of them so far!) and were created after market research into what boys would enjoy. That makes me a bit cynical, but on the other hand, I hear younger readers lap them up and even learn new words. I think anything that keeps children reading is probably good for them.


I'm afraid I don't know whether they stand alone or not, but if it helps, the first three books of the first series are Ferno the Fire Dragon, Sepron the Sea Serpent, and Arcta the Mountain Giant. There are at least eight series with six books apiece.

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The Beast Quest books were great when I couldn't get my 8 year old read anything other than The Beano. The Book People used to sell the first set (of 7 or 8) for a good price, not sure if they still - and there are normally some free delivery codes knocking around on the web......

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