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Your Book Activity Today - Thread 12


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Am about 100 pages into Moab is my Washpot.


I don't seem to be able to sit and read in the staff room anymore without someone starting a conversation about how I am aways reading, and how the wish they could read.


I enjoyed reading Moab is My Washpot hope you are as well.

The problem you're having in the staffroom is the same reason i gave up reading at work! I only ever managed to read the same sentence over and over and now I don't bother trying. :blush:

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I love And then there were none by Agatha Christie its one of my favourites of hers, I spent years tracking it down it had many less politically correct names before thee settled on that on


It's one of my favourites as well, incredibly cunning! We also had those politically incorrect titles but I thinks they've settled on a more politically correct one nowadays, something very similar to 'And Then There Were None'. 



Free eh? I never have that much luck!  :rolleyes:
Do you help out in the shop?



Nah, I found a 20e note on the ground and couldn't see anyone who might've lost it so kind of confiscated it ;)


I have this too. I couldn't resist a book with such a whacky name. And besides, I had been wanting to read the other one Wolfe wrote (names escapes me at the moment).
You mean The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Some of his titles are indeed hard to master :lol: I'm thinking this Kandy-Kolored novel title will take me ages to memorize. Definitely a whacky name, partly why I had to buy it. I had no idea, though, that it's all non-fiction and just essays. 



I haven't been able to read in days. I've been watching Profiler season 1+2 and when I go to bed with my current read I can't remember a single thing I read the previous night so I have to go back and skim through read pages. Then I doze off almost immediately. It's getting annoying. I'm going back home tomorrow so will have time to read on the train. 




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I tried (and failed) to read 'Linger' today, what with my sister and music dramas :)

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Aweosme I will let you know what I think, I have read a lot of them in the past and one of my booshelves are filled to the brim with books like this.


Please do, and feel free to recommend something else of the type too! :)

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Please do, and feel free to recommend something else of the type too! :)


I will do mate. I will have alook on my shelf later and give you a run down of some good True Crime books.


I can recommend these of the top of my head.


*Hate Crime; The story of a Dragging in Jasper Texas. I found it utterly moving. I can't remember the name of the Writer, I think Jane King maybe?


* Lords of Chaos - The boody rise of the Satanic metal underground. If you are into your music and into ccrime this is a rather fascinating book and found it utterly engrossing. Espcially as I am into Punk and metla music.







Hate Crime: The Story of a Dragging in Jasper, Texas


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I don't seem to be able to sit and read in the staff room anymore without someone starting a conversation about how I am aways reading, and how the wish they could read.


I keep getting told at work that I should read in the kitchen area and not at my desk. They try to make out that I wouldn't be disturbed as much there, but in reality I'm rarely disturbed at my desk and the comings and going of people in the kitchen are very distracting.


I had no idea, though, that it's all non-fiction and just essays.


I had no idea it was non-fiction when I bought it either. :)

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What do you think of it? I really enjoyed it!


I'm reading A Daughter's Journey by Lyn Andrews at the moment, so far so good :cool:



I'm really enjoying it as well.


I hope to finish up The Bell Jar tomorrow and then I'll probably start The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom.

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I've read a further 110 pages of Father Time. 410 pages, not bad for a day. Only 40 left in Father Time, I'd really like to get it finished tonight, but it's 2am and I'm tired :huh:

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As for me, I did manage some reading I finally started the book The Devil's Star by Jo Nesbo. I read the first five chapters before I fell asleep. It was Ok so far. I hope to settle into it soon. Still don't seem to be as one with the book. I hope to soon, I have heard nothing but good for this author.

I've read the other two Nesbo, and have The Devil's Star on the shelf waiting for me to get to it. Looking forward to reading how you get along with it.


I am about a quarter into Elegy for April by Benjamin Black. I've found his detective series a bit up and down, this one is great so far. Happily. :smile2:



We stopped and shopped for a few books today, I picked up two, the only two I think? by Anne Bronte. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and Agnes Grey.

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I've read the other two Nesbo, and have The Devil's Star on the shelf waiting for me to get to it. Looking forward to reading how you get along with it.


I had to stop. I was reading it up to page 100 and realised that it was making no sense at all. I went to see if this was part of a series, and it was. GUTTED!!! Aparently this was the first book to translated into English.

So I reserved The first in the series and see if I like that.


So instead I am reading The Bone Collector by Mr Deaver!


I read this so many years ago that I can't remember anything about it. I have so many Deaver books on my TBR pile that I thought what better time to read them. Oh I forgot how much I loved reading this book. I struggled to sleep last night as all I wanted to do was read more. In the end. I took my boo downstairs so I would not pick it up again and read it. I will not be leaving Deaver so far down on my bookshelf next time.


Mission for the day..... Get as many pages read of The Bone Collector as possible!

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I read a few more stories from Topics last night before bed, and am packing it to take with me up north along with Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton :D.


Haha! This is the one I have read, not much Fluff though mate! I am so going to read the next one in the series soon!!! Let me know what you think.


*High five*


Catwoman, excellent choice, happy Deaver Day :D


I managed to read about 40 pages of Aftermath before I fell asleep last night.




Thanks mate. I have read quite a few of them in the past, but all out of order and so long ago. I can't even remember (apart from this one) which ones I had read or what they were about. My mission is to read at least the first three of Rhyme series.


I am just so busy today not sure if I will get much done!

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I've read about 130 pages of Something Rotten today. I love Fforde's books more and more each time I read one.


I don't usually like to plan my reading in advance, but I couldn't sleep last night so I selected a whole pile of books I want to read in the next month or so.

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Haha! This is the one I have read, not much Fluff though mate! I am so going to read the next one in the series soon!!! Let me know what you think.


*High five*


Right back atcha! I guess we have to start somewhere in a series, right? At least we have a lot more fluff to look forward to! ;)

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Almost done with The Forgotten Garden. It's a bit predictable, but I am enjoying it nevertheless. :)


I think I will read This Alien Shore by C.S. Friedman next.

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Last night I finished Father Time by Lance Parkin - it was pretty good, not amazing. I suppose I shouldn't expect amazing from Doctor Who books, even the better ones. I'll certainly read more, though.


Today I'm HOPING to finish Fallen by Lauren Kate.

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I will do mate. I will have alook on my shelf later and give you a run down of some good True Crime books.


I can recommend these of the top of my head.


*Hate Crime; The story of a Dragging in Jasper Texas. I found it utterly moving. I can't remember the name of the Writer, I think Jane King maybe?


* Lords of Chaos - The boody rise of the Satanic metal underground. If you are into your music and into ccrime this is a rather fascinating book and found it utterly engrossing. Espcially as I am into Punk and metla music.


Thank you for the reccomendations! I'll try and see what's available in the library/bookshops :)


Ot...read some of Freud's Psychopathology of everyday life and a few pages of GC.

AND added new stuff to the tbr list.

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I managed to read about 50 pages in Cutting For Stone last night but it was a struggle i don't know if it's the book or if my mojo's gone flat but i'll persevere :(



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Started the sixth Morganville Vampire series, Carpe Corpus at lunchtime, and then popped into Waterstone's on my way home and bought a copy of the new Kelley Armstrong book, Waking The Witch. Hoping to finish Carpe Corpus this evening, and make a start on Waking The Witch tomorrow smile2.gif

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Right back atcha! I guess we have to start somewhere in a series, right? At least we have a lot more fluff to look forward to! ;)


Hehe, I look forward to reading the restof the series! :giggle:


As for me only managed about 50 pages so far today. I was rather naughty and bought The Big Over Easy. I got it in the same charity shop as the others I bought yesterday and when I got home I wished I bought that too. so... I did! Only a couple in the series I need to get now!


I also did manage to get that Audion book of the last book in the series of Unfortunate events read by Tim Curry! for £3. I thought this was a bit of a bargain.


I hope to get a lot more reading tonight. Event though I thnk Ihave over done myself today and feelign a little woozy. Maybe a early night is called for :(.

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