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Does Reading Ever Feel Like a Chore?

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strangely enough this is the only book I have given up on reading, I was kinda disappointed in myself but maybe it was the mood I was in I just couldnt get past the first page without confusion, so like i say maybe go back to it but at the moment I am extremely enjoying my book choices.

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I have been very busy this week, so any reading i would have done would have totally felt like a chore and i would not have enjoyed it at all. I much prefer to spend a few hours this evening catching up on Duma Key than force myself to read it.


Also, every couple of months i tend to read a bit less as other hobbies and life gets in the way but i always go back to it eventually. It is very hard to give 100% to ANY hobby all day every day, unless you have oceans of free time.

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That is exactly how I feel sometimes!


I can pick up a book and even if I really love it I'm thinking read faster read faster because I have so many books to read and so little time to do it! I think that even if I could dedicate every minute of the day to reading there would still not be enough time!:no:


This is exactly what I mean! It's not only when I'm reading a book I don't enjoy that it feels like a chore, even if I absolutely love the book I'm reading I can take so much of the enjoyment out of it by constantly thinking 'it's March already and I'm only on my second book, I need to hurry up or I'll never meet my target of one book a month!!' (probably having a target is a very bad idea!)


I have actually considered getting rid of my whole TBR pile just to get rid of the pressure! I keep resolving not to buy any more books, but then something new will come out which I HAVE to have, so the TBR pile grows and I feel even more pressure!


I'm so glad I'm not alone in this, you've all made me feel much better! :censored:

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I don't feel like reading is a chore as such, although if the book I'm reading is a bit hard going or boring or extra, extra long it can feel as if I'm reading it just for the sake of reading it rather than for any sense of the word enjoyment. I do have this thing about finishing books once I've started them though and don't give up on them unless I absolutely have to, so yes sometimes I guess it can feel like a little bit like a chore.


Books to me are to be savoured though - they're my escape from reality, a way to relax - and I do sometimes get a little intimidated by the rather large mountain of books I have waiting to be read, but at the end of the day it doesn't stop me from buying more!

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  • 2 months later...

The books I had to read for my file in highschool felt like a chore.. But then again, I just really detest Dutch literature. About half of the books I was allowed to read for my file were about WWII. Not really a favourite subject of mine.

We had to read a total of 12 books and I think I only enjoyed 1 or 2 of them (one of them is one of my favourite books right now, so I guess it wasn't all a waste of time). I don't like HAVING to read a book, so maybe it's just all in my head..

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Same thing for me, but it's less horrible because when I stop reading I write music, or my own novel, or do my homework, so I have always good reasons. :lol: And my TBR pile isn't too high, because I tidy my TBR books randomly in my bookshelf, so I don't have to see them all waiting for me. But I know they're here...

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I think if a book is uninteresting enough that reading it is a chore, I would usually give up on it and start another. However, this does happen to me sometimes. The scenario is normally I'm trying to finish the last book in a series that started out great and ran out of steam by halfway through the third book



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Well, it certainly feels like a chore when the exams make me read through a hundred pages on chemistry in one or two days. :lol:


But I get what you mean - I sometimes feel like that as well. Then again, I don't really "obey" when I tell myself I should be reading, only for the sake of getting my TBR pile down. If I really want to do something else, like watch television or draw - I just do that. :lol:

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For me, whilst I know that I love books and enjoy getting into them, I do tend to get easily distracted from them. For this reason I need peace and quiet to read, so if I ever feel like I'm not going to get that I'll look at a book as a little bit of a chore because I won't be able to settle into it and then I'll have to re-read parts or miss plot points because I'm not concentrating.


So it's weird, I think, but for that reason the only time a book ever feels like a chore for me is before I pick it up. The train is the perfect place for me to read because I'm on it every day so it's boring and the background hum isn't distracting, so I'm always eager to get my book out when I'm there.

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Talk about a self-fullinging prophecy! I Have just finished Under the dome, which I really enjoyed, but I'm not able to get it back to the library till thursday. Can't go that long without a book, so I picked up one of the pile in our coffee room here at work - "The Chameleon's Shadow" by Minette Walters. To be honest, I'm struggling. And part of that is probably because I enjoyed Under the Dome so much. The change of pace between this book and that is too much at first. Does that happen to anyone else? I shall persevere till thursday, but if it doesn't grab me by then.....




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No matter how bad a book is i always finish it, it's like some sort of weird compulsion, so when i'm not enjoying a book it really does feel like a chore and i will drag it out for ages

in that case, I recommend you get Frankie Fraser's books, Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition, War and Peace as well as Crime and Punishment. They will take you mere minutes to read as they all simply fly along! :)

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