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Frances de Pontes Peebles - The Seamstress


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I'm halfway through this, it is brilliant. I borrowed this once from the library and returned it unread as I didn't have to time to read it (it's very big!) but have since got it again and I am so pleased I did. Was looking forward to a long reading session yesterday evening but it was slightly spoiled by the fact that during the day I had cut my finger badly and it was throbbing like mad and I couldn't get comfy... :smile2:

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Oops, remiss of me, sorry! It's set in 1920's Brazil. Two sisters, Emilia and Luzia are orphaned and live with their Aunt. They work as seamstresses until one day Luzia is abducted by a gang of bandits. We then follow Luzia's induction into gang life whilst Emilia rises up the social ladder when she gets married. There are 2 paperback versions of this book, the cover of the first edition is very misleading because it has a beautiful picture of the interior of a sewing box on the front which would lead you to believe it is a romantic book about needlework when in fact it is quite hard-hitting. I'm just over halfway through this book so I'm hoping the second half is as good as the first!! :smile2:

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