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Fantasy/Horror Mix


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I've noticed these past few years that some of the books I'm enjoying are a fantasy/horror mix.


I couldn't say they were all horror and they don't fit into all fantasy :lol:


I don't mind as I used to read a lot of horror before I went onto fantasy so in some ways it covers both genres.


But I wondered if other fantasy/horror readers liked this trend or would they prefer them kept separate.

Edited by BookJumper
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As I'm against all pidgeonholing, of course I don't mind. I find that cross-over, hard-to-define books are often among the best out there, as they don't allow themselves to become limited by the restrictions imposed on their genre by reader expectation. The more genres straddled, the richer the book has the possibility of being.

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The more genres straddled, the richer the book has the possibility of being.




Lord of The Rings, whatever deficiencies the series may have, manages to combine the epic fantasy with smaller moments of terror - not entirely the answer you were probably seeking, but it stuck around on bestseller lists for decades for a good reason. Conan's various titles are probably a better example of the mingling of those genres, but it is very difficult to pinpoint any specific books which fulfills both genres fully.

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