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Reading Chair; A few questions

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I am currently designing a reading chair. I was wondering if I could get some first hand incite from you into the problems you may face when reading. What kind of reading environments do you tend to read in? Can you read different material in the same location; i.e. do you associate reading in bed to novels and Sunday newspapers to your sofa. Or do you sometimes find it hard to switch off and concentrate on your reading? I am aiming to create a chair which is compatible in comforting you whilst reading different material. Also how do you feel about e-books. Do you assume the same posture as you did when you were reading paper books. Or are you a Luddite when it comes to e-books? Do you miss the smell and feel of the book. Any feedback would be wonderful.


I myself am a keen reader. I often have about 3 books on at the same time. It gets a bit confusing. Sometimes I find it hard to really settle down. I feel that for the majority of us it is a lot easier to simply switch the television on. However I feel that reading is a much more relaxing activity and has ten times more redeeming features to it. Hopefully some quality reading chairs on the market would help to increase the growing popularity of reading.




Thank you very much,


Philip Appleton

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Well, I don't usually have a specific environment in which I read best, though I find reading on a chair the least pleasurable, weirdly. I do very well reading on the bed or on the ground when I'm in school, but when I'm on the chair I find I must either hold the book up in front of my eyes and strain my hands, or put it down and strain my neck.


Good luck in any case.


Oh, and I dislike e-books for the reason that I'm forced to read them while seated, LOL.

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Hello Philip, and welcome to the forum.


We have a policy on the forum that help with homework, and matters relating to work and college is really only available to our regular members. I will therefore be closing this thread.


Do have a look on the forum, specifically on the thread Reading Habits which may help you, and on the thread here that discusses people's thoughts on E-Books/ Kindle/ Sony Reader etc.

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