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Chaos Walking series, Patrick Ness


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Hi all :(


I got introduced to The Knife of Never Letting go through my book club... for a supposed 'young adults' book, it was around 500 pages so I thought I'd start it early in case I didn't like it....


4 days later I practically howled at the moon as it came to an end.. and had to get the second book, The Ask and the Answer.... and 5 days after that, more howling, as Monsters of Men isn't out until May 2010... sulking!!!!


This series I find really refreshing... there is no happy ending, no disappearing into the sunset, no 'getting the girl'.... just constant, never ending, 'what can possibly go wrong now'?


I won't give spoilers for those of you wishing to read, but for anyone else out there who has read it.... am sure I'm not the only one with their heart in their mouths at the events that unfold and secrets that are revealed.... not just me, surely???


:D x

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Yes, I feel the same way about this series. :hug: There's just something really compelling about it, you have to keep on reading. It's definitely for more "mature" young adults, especially the themes of the second one, which include terrorism and the subjugation of women.


I finished the second one (The Ask and the Answer) a few weeks ago after reading it very quickly - I couldn't put it down. It's pretty uncompromising and quite horrific what happens to the women and the Spackle (who are the species native to the planet).


Wolfsbane - it's true that you think "what could possibly go wrong now?"! Just when things seem to be working out, something bad happens.


I can't wait for the third book either, and I can't recommend this series highly enough. I wish more people had heard of it. :lol:


A short thread about the first book can be found here: http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=6910&highlight=knife+letting


(Hope I did that right, I've never tried putting a link in before.)

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Glad to see some other people out there love this series too!!


If you go onto Patrick Ness' website, there's a free ebook which is kind of a prelude more than anything, to The Knife.... just a little sampler but worth it.


The treatment of the women and spackle is horrific, makes you think about what we do as a species to one another and other 'beings', awful...


I love the fact that the animals talk but don't really have anything much to say - such basic language, for their needs like food and shelter, love it!



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