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Naphilia's Tomes


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I have been told to come here to make lists of books I love and get suggestions and what not.


:P Books I absolutely love include:

1) The Banned and Banished Series by James Clemens (5)

2) The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver (6)

3) The Hungry City Chonicles by Phillip Reeves (4)

4) The Larklight Trilogy, also by Phillip Reeve (3)

5) The Chronicles of Pern by Anne McAffrey (haven't read them all - there's so many!)

6) The Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer (6 so far)

7) His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman (3)

8) The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudy Canavan (3)

9) The Airborne Series by Kenneth Oppel (3)


... and others too!!

I am waiting to get the third Airborne book, Starclimber - I have been waiting since APRIL!!

Anyone got any ideas for some 'to-read' books?

Thanks, all.



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Your thread title would make a great book title! :P


The only books I have read from your list are His Dark Materials Trilogy. Great books.


A suggested read? Angie Sage's Septimus Heap series. They are original and intelligent, with beautiful illustrations and great covers.

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I don't know the books in your list. (Well I'm aware of the dark materials but haveb't read them)


Are they all fantasy books? (I'm just guessing from the titles - I am probably completely wrong!)


If so then I could probably come up with some suggestions since my OH reads a lot in that genre.

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I don't know the books in your list. (Well I'm aware of the dark materials but haveb't read them)


Are they all fantasy books? (I'm just guessing from the titles - I am probably completely wrong!)


If so then I could probably come up with some suggestions since my OH reads a lot in that genre.

Yes, most of them are fantasy books, Andrea. Some are just set in different times, like the Hungry Cities, which I can't praise enough.


Chrissy, you're right! maybe I'll try and write 'Naphilia's Tomes' after I've finished the book I'm doing now. Should start in, what, 50 years times? :S Septimus Heap, you say? I'll look it up - sounds interesting!


CW (my sister loves your name!), you'll really like Artemis Fowl. They're really clever.



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:D Books I absolutely love include:


8) The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudy Canavan (3)


Anyone got any ideas for some 'to-read' books?




Hey Naphilia.


Just having a thought, and if you like Canavan as an author, you might very well enjoy Fiona McIntosh. They are written similarly to Canvan's in the sense that I get the impression they are written for young adults but with dark undertones.


And I can second Chrissy's suggestion of Angie Sage's Septimus Heap. They are absolutely gorgeous.


I can also offer JV Jones' Book of Words trilogy as a fantastic read, and Terry Pratchett's Discworld would keep you amused for hours.


For a different type of fantasy you could try the Landover series by Terry Brooks. These are written about an ordinary man who sees an advert in a Christmas catalogue for a magical kingdom, at the bargain price of $1million. He of course goes through with the sale, and the series is about his adventures.


Brooks has also written the slightly more adult series of Shannara (and these are among my prize collection). And finally, if you haven't read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, there's no time like the present.


Happy reading!



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Yes, most of them are fantasy books, Andrea. Some are just set in different times, like the Hungry Cities, which I can't praise enough.


Chrissy, you're right! maybe I'll try and write 'Naphilia's Tomes' after I've finished the book I'm doing now. Should start in, what, 50 years times? :S Septimus Heap, you say? I'll look it up - sounds interesting!


CW (my sister loves your name!), you'll really like Artemis Fowl. They're really clever.





Awe, why thank you! :D

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Hello! I would recommend The Discworld books, well worth reading. My sister-in-law is not a big fantasy reader but she has recommended to me:


Poison Study

Magic Study

Fire Study all by Maria V. Synder


She says these are the books that have got her hooked with fantasy

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Yes, most of them are fantasy books, Andrea. Some are just set in different times, like the Hungry Cities, which I can't praise enough.


In that case I can suggest a couple that my OH enjoyed:


George R R Martin trilogy, which starts with A Game of Thrones.


and Robin Hobb trilogy which starts with The Assassins Apprentice.


I am not a massive fantasy reader but quite liked the sound of the Robin Hobb one so will be reading it myself soon

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In that case I can suggest a couple that my OH enjoyed:


George R R Martin trilogy, which starts with A Game of Thrones.


and Robin Hobb trilogy which starts with The Assassins Apprentice.


I am not a massive fantasy reader but quite liked the sound of the Robin Hobb one so will be reading it myself soon

I second the Robin Hobb suggestion. I have recently finished the Farseer Triology and was mightily impressed! And when you've read that, there's then The Liveship Traders Triology (which I have but haven't read yet) and The Tawny Man Triology (which somebody had just lent me but I haven't started yet!)

They are all set in the same world, and I think The Tawny Man Trilogy is based on the same characters as the Farseer Triolgy.

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Hi Naphilia! I'm a bit of a fantasy nut too, so here's a few suggestions;


If you read and liked Trudi Canavan, she has also written "The age of five" trilogy, a really good read!!


Can't go wrong with anything by David Eddings..my favourite is "The Belgariad" series.


And if you fancy something a bit different, take a look at 'The night angel' trilogy by Brent Weeks.(Have written a little review of this one on my reading list thread, if your interested.)


Happy reading!!



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