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The Secret by Rhonda Byrne


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Once known only by an elite who were unwilling to share their knowledge of the power, 'the secret' of obtaining anything you desire is now revealed by prominent physicists, authors and philosophers as being based in the universal Law of Attraction. And the good news is that anyone can access its power to bring themselves health, wealth and happiness. Fragments of The Secret have been found in oral traditions, literature, religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. A number of the exceptional people who discovered its power went on to become regarded as the greatest human beings who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo and Einstein. Now 'the secret' is being shared with the world. Beautiful in its simplicity, and mind-dazzling in its ability to really work, The Secret reveals the mystery of the hidden potential within us all. By unifying leading-edge scientific thought with ancient wisdom and spirituality, the riveting, practical knowledge will lead readers to a greater understanding of how they can be the masters of their own lives.




I have heard a great deal about this book & have been extremely curious about it. At an event I attended yesterday it was on sale so I took it as a sign & bought it.


I'm only just beginning it & I'm keeping an open-mind as I love the concept of positive thinking & I think, even if the aspect of it being this great 'secret' that's just being unveiled is a little extravagant, it could still have a self-help appeal & change people's thoughts for the better.


Have any of you read it &, if so, what did you think? Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?

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It was bought for me last Christmas, the person buying it didn't quite realise what it was. I read a little bit, but for the most part it really wasn't my cup of tea. I don't read those kinds of books, so I can't really comment on it within it's, er, genre, but it screamed 'load of rubbish' to me when I was reading it.

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I'm with you there RoxiS.C. I don't particularly care for spritual or self help books and can't help feeling they are a con. But hey, just my opinion.:lol:

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I read this and saw the movie. It really is nothing but positive thinking and visualization packaged for the masses. Nothing new here. I've been working with positive thinking and visualization for years. I've read Dr. Wayne Dyer, Norman Vincent Peale and the like way before this book came out. I guess it is a good starter book for anyone interested in it, but I also think it leaves a lot out and if someone is interested, they need to do more studying about it and get the full picture.

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I read this and saw the DVD and came to the conclusion that "the secret" - tho positive - does not apply to everyone in the monetary sense ( the most prominent sales point of the peice ) I mean, a villiager in Kumbai can utelize "the secret" all he wants, but he's never going to morph from the forest to the city where financial opportunities await to carry him into abundant living.

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Right KW, and when the money doesn't manifest people say it is garbage.

It is much more to it than that, and they really stress the money part, and gloss over the other things like health, good relationships...etc. Someone who is more familar with the law of attraction (not the average consumer), understands where the seed comes from.


Roxi, it is more than thinking positive thoughts, there is a science to it. People think positive thoughts often, but also simultaniously think defeating thoughts (unconsciously). The book does bring that to light, but like I said, if one is really interested, they need to study many more authors.

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What is the secret?

The Secret is a now famous movie, based on the book by Rhonda Byrne

You can watch the first 20 minutes here on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b1GK...elated&search=

The secret you will find is used by all the great people in History, and certainly every one of us on this forum too



OPRAH WINFREY talks about the Secret :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0wYxh-akZs

The Law of Attraction can be summed up in three words:


Thoughts DO become things, the good ones and the bad ones, or more specificaly the ones we focus our attention on the most.

So if someone thinks 'I want a brand new Mercedes, I can really see myself sitting in it, I can feel the steering wheel, I can smell the leather', but they also have a deep belief of 'hey come on, these kind of things are never going to happen to me', then they will be proved right, because that's attraction.


The secret revealed in the movie 'The Secret' is The Law Of Attraction.


The Law Of Attraction is a universal law just like The Law Of Gravity, it works.


We all have goals, we all have a vision of where we are going. We all also have deep seated beliefs, some which may conflict with our goals.

We must be aware of our beliefs and challenge any that are holding us back. It's easy, just examine the excuses we make to ourselves, such as, 'only brown nosers get promotion', 'self help books are rubbish', 'that girl/guy will never go for me because _ _ _ _(fill in the blank).

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Well, yeah, there is also the fact that the 'secret' is just 'think positive thoughts'. Wow. Revolutionary. :lol:


Well maybe if more people actually put that idea into practise there wouldn't be so much negativity around.


It doesn't hurt to think positively about your own life, other people, & the world. It may even make people more grateful for what they have as so much is taken for granted.


I would never knock a book that had nothing but good intentions for making people happy. I do however think there is a lot of truth & sense in it. Who has negative thoughts & feels happy at the same time? Nobody.


I do feel though that little emphasis should be placed on money. Those people who are just in it for monetary gain most probably don't deserve it anyway.

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It doesn't hurt to think positively about your own life, other people, & the world.


Never said it did.


It may even make people more grateful for what they have as so much is taken for granted.


That'll be the day.

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I used to read this sort of book alot as a teenager but I got turned off them after a while as the focus seems to be very selfish and self-absorbed.

I just don't believe that material things and wealth make you happy and I believe that is bourne out by the fact that the wealthiest countries in the world have the highest suicide rates.

I think what we should actually focus on in our society is developing good character and caring for others rather than trying to attract "good things" for ourselves.

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I wonder if people realize that the term "Thoughts Become Things" is more than material.

Things can be material, but they also can be intangible. Basically the idea is what you think is what you get. If you think "I'm going to have a good day, I'm grateful I have a job, blah blah blah", you will go through your day better than if you wake up saying "Man, I have to go to work, it sucks."


People only take what they want away from the Law of Attraction. The book does talk about obtaining wealth through this law, but it does talk about the intangible too.


Many people I know live in the world of misery, but then they walk around talking about how awful everything is, I can't imagine why they are miserable. :motz:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't read it so can only comment on the genre in general .. whenever I read or hear extracts from some so called positive thinking/self help books you can't help but think that the person that the author is really helping is himself ... to your well earned cash for one thing.

There was one book I heard about that suggested writing your goals down and dating it some time in the future (whereby you get the list out and find you've probably achieved it and much more) and I couldn't help thinking that the author must have written down

'September 2010' bought a new house by the sea with the proceeds of 'Complete Idiots Guide to the Blindingly Obvious'


It also reminded me of Nancy Mitford's fantastic character Lord Alconleigh who used to write the names of his adversaries on a piece of paper and put it in the death drawer .. convinced this would kill them within a year.


There was another book I saw reviewed about losing weight where some of the key points were .. separating foods into 'good' and 'bad' foods and a helpful pointer that 'good' was a tuna fish sandwich on wholemeal and 'bad' was a cream bun (bet you couldn't have worked that out by yourself) and that (this is revolutionary) if you eat a sensible diet and take lots of exercise you will lose weight.

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I wonder if people realize that the term "Thoughts Become Things" is more than material.

Things can be material, but they also can be intangible. Basically the idea is what you think is what you get. If you think "I'm going to have a good day, I'm grateful I have a job, blah blah blah", you will go through your day better than if you wake up saying "Man, I have to go to work, it sucks."


People only take what they want away from the Law of Attraction. The book does talk about obtaining wealth through this law, but it does talk about the intangible too.


Many people I know live in the world of misery, but then they walk around talking about how awful everything is, I can't imagine why they are miserable. :D


But then, if you can't see .. after reading the newspaper or seeing the TV news that, whatever your problems, there are a lot of people worse off in the world and that you should be grateful for what you've got .. then no paperback is going to make you think differently especially when the wished for wealth/lifechange doesn't materialise.


And this sort of doctrine seems to promote self absorption rather than the opposite and whilst thinking about what You want it life and what You want to achieve then you're even less likely to be thinking of other peoples hardships and how lucky you are in comparison.


I know what you mean about the current 'Daily Mail' negative thinking mentality but there's something a bit worrying (and insincere) about being perpetually cheerful .. that's not normal either .. people have to have grouchy days if just to appreciate the sunshiney ones.

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The book wasn't my cup of tea either - not because I disagree with the whole positive thinking thing (because I don't), bit more because it just seemed over hyped and it just wasn't written in the sort of language I could relate to. The DVD was a bit better, but not much. Personally the books that helped me the most were the Conversations with God series and the works of Eckhart Tolle, but each to their own. You can't deny that The Secret does seem to have helped an awful lot of people.

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